New HOPE Vocabulary
Ferry A boat used to carry people, cars, and goods across a narrow body of water.
doe A female (girl) deer.
Material made from the skin of an animal. leather Material made from the skin of an animal.
brisk As in…. “ I went for a brisk walk this evening.” Quick and lively. As in…. “ I went for a brisk walk this evening.” Antonyms – slow, leisurely,
A small building used for storing things. shed A small building used for storing things.
fabric Cloth We make our clothes from fabric.
plains An area of flat land.
Using throwaway items for another purpose. recycling Using throwaway items for another purpose.
Plural of citizen: a person who lives in a city or town. citizens Plural of citizen: a person who lives in a city or town.
Past tense of adopt: to take care of as your own. adopted Past tense of adopt: to take care of as your own.