JFK Assassination November 22, 1963
Unit Objective To analyze the JFK assassination and its conspiracy theories
Why was JFK in Dallas?
Why was JFK in Dallas? What happened?
Dealy Plaza
The open limousine
Who did it? Why?
Lee Harvey Oswald
Was there a second gunman on the “grassy knoll”? Some have argued that one sniper could not have fired four shots in the time frame (JFK’S head, JFK’s neck, Texas Governor John Connally, and a miss that hit a curb) JFK’s head seems to go backward upon impact on video indicating the shot came from the front Some witnesses reported seeing a potential gunman on the “Grassy Knoll” JFK’s wounds may have been altered
Clip from the Zapruder Film
“Magic Bullet” Theory:
What happened to Oswald? Who was Jack Ruby? Nightclub owner who was terminally ill; He never revealed why he did it; Many argued it was evidence of a conspiracy (an attempt to keep Oswald quiet)
Conspiracy Theories: Communists -Fidel Castro: -Soviets:
Cuban Refugees: Mafia:
U.S. Government:
Lyndon Johnson:
Government Investigations Warren Commission: -Two important findings 1.) 2.)
1976 House Commission: -Two important findings 1.) 2.)