Regions Review
AP World Regions Using colored pencils, lightly color in each region and label them. Add Europe and Oceania.
North America Easy! Canada United States Mexico (also part of Latin America)
Latin America Caribbean is often lumped in with Latin America because both Caribbean, South America, and Central America share Spanish colonization “Latin” – first used by French to emphasize commonality with Mexico as they tried to take it over during the U.S. Civil War Make sure you know: Brazil, Argentina, Columbia Also: Venezuela, Peru, Chile
Western Europe Often broken into western, central, and eastern Europe. Must Know: Spain France Germany Italy England Great Britain (after unifying with Scotland) United Kingdom (includes Northern Ireland, Scotland, Whales)
Russia and Eastern Europe Began in eastern Europe, but expanded into Central Asia and Northern Asia Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Poland, Romania – influenced by Byzantine Empire along with Russia; invaded by Mongols Didn’t have Renaissance, Scientific Rev, Enlightenment, or Industrialization like Western Europe until later
Middle East Sometimes “Southwest Asia” Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Turkey Islamic faith, Arab conquests and language But – Israel is Jewish; Iran is Persian (not Arab)
North Africa Often lumped in with Middle East Part of the “Mediterranean region” – long pattern of interaction with southern Europe and Middle East Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, (Egypt)
Sub-Saharan Africa ALL of Africa EXCEPT for North Africa. Includes: West Africa East Africa Central Africa Southern Africa
West Africa Ghana (800s), Mali (1300s), Songhay (1500s) Islam arrives c. 1000 C.E. Mali and Songhay via Trans-Saharan trade Later part of Atlantic World (slave trade) Most slaves taken from West Africa
East Africa First homo sapiens Part of Indian Ocean world/ trade Swahili culture – city states Islam diffuses along IOT Peaceful diffusion (like West Africa) Know: Ethiopia (Christianity), Kenya, Somalia
Southern Africa South Africa Important trade routes from Europe to India, especially before Suez Canal Discovered by Vasco Da Gama
Central Africa Most isolated (no coast) until 1800s DRC (Zaire), Rwanda
East Asia China, Korea, Japan
South Asia India, Pakistan, Afghanistan (also Central) Center of Indian Ocean World
Southeast Asia Island: Malaysia, Indonesia Land: Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos Influenced by China, India, Islamic traders, Europeans after 1500 Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity Center of spice trade -- “Spice Islands” Part of Indian Ocean world
Oceania Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands