Monday Eye Find: Ear The Rock Circles Leaves Rectangles Yellow Triangles Things Wild Green Scratch marks Brown Bite Tan Trees Gray Long tail Are Where Orange
Where the Wild Things Are 2-20 Monday -- Vocabulary I feel wild when Sort the wild things 2-27 Monday Inferencing Brainstorm Rumpus, Pinwheel 2-21 Tuesday Stem Challenge Make a pinwheel Brainstorm Mischief Draw trees and vines behind the Rumpus What happened in the story? Color the unreal wild things Stem Challenge Build a boat 2-28 Tuesday Visualization If I were king of the wild things 2-23 Wednesday When I get tired, I…. Stem Challenge : Build my wild thing When I am lonely, I … Retell the story Look at Max. How is he feeling? 2-24 Thursday 3-01 Wednesday How put my a wild thing together Setting of the book Retell a Story What did Max smell? Till Max said “BE STILL!” 3-02 Thursday Describe a wild thing Where did Max go? 2-25 Friday Figurative Language Sentence Stems Vocabulary Stem Challenge 3-03 Friday King Max of the wild things Book Report If I were King of the wild things Story Elements Real / Not Real
frightened Max rumpus tumbled world a gnashed mischief said up year Vocabulary frightened Max rumpus tumbled world a gnashed mischief said up year and grew night sailed vines yellow away hung ocean supper waved you boat in one tamed weeks ceiling it private teeth where claws king roared terrible wild things eyes lonely rolled the wolf suit forest magic room to wore
Look at the picture of Max. Read Page 1 Brainstorm: Mischief
What did Max do? What did Mom do?
Tuesday: Plan Your Monster
Visualization Close your eyes. That very night in Max’s room a forest grew and grew- and grew Until his ceiling hung with vines and the walls became the world all around.
Visualization and an ocean tumbled by with a private boat for Max and he sailed off through night and day.