TGs Atlanta Closing Report September 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/1091r0 November 2009 TGs Atlanta Closing Report Date: 2009-11-20 Author: Name Address Affiliation Phone Email Dee Denteneer HTC 37; 5656 AE Eindhoven; The Netherlands Philips +31 40 2749743 Dee Denteneer Guido R. Hiertz (Philips)
Abstract TGs closing report for the November 2009 meeting. September 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/1091r0 November 2009 Abstract TGs closing report for the November 2009 meeting. Resolved outstanding comments and ready to go to recirculation. Dee Denteneer Guido R. Hiertz (Philips)
Status TGs passed LB 147 with 79% approval rate (May 2009) November 2009 Status TGs passed LB 147 with 79% approval rate (May 2009) Before the meeting: Comment resolution spreadsheet 11-09/471r18 with 118 comments open Most recent TGs Draft is D3.04 After meeting Most recent TGs comment resolution spread sheet is 11-09/471r23, with resolutions to all comments An annotated agenda for TGs at this meeting in 11-09/1099r9 The TGs draft minutes will be uploaded as 11-09/1223r0 Dee Denteneer
Next Steps Produce Draft 4.0 and go to recirculation November 2009 Next Steps Produce Draft 4.0 and go to recirculation TGs is holding teleconferences on Wednesdays through the January Plenary at 4pm (ET)for up to 1½ hours on the Following Dates December 2, January 6, January 13 Goal for the November 2009 TGs meeting in Los Angeles, USA: Start resolving comments received in recirculation Dee Denteneer
Moved by Theodorus Denteneer on behalf of TGs TGs vote: November 2009 Motion: Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB#147 on P802.11s Draft 3.0 as contained in document 11-09/471r23, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 4.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a Working Group Recirculation Ballot of at least 15 days asking the question “Should P802.11s Draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by Theodorus Denteneer on behalf of TGs TGs vote: Moved: Guido Hiertz Seconded: Dan Harkins Result: y: 9-n: 0-a: 0 Dee Denteneer
Approved by unanimous consent November 2009 Moved to schedule TGs teleconferences on December 2 , January 6, and January 13 at 4pm for a maximum of 90 minutes to resolve comments and discuss agendas. Approved by unanimous consent Dee Denteneer