Towards an NMC lattice for PS2 PS2 meeting Towards an NMC lattice for PS2 Y. Papaphilippou August 22nd, 2007
PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou Original NMC arc Starting from the “high-filling” factor arc of Christian Phase advances of 280o,320o per module γt of 8.2i Four families of quads, with max. strength of 0.095m-2 Max. horizontal beta of 67m and vertical of 43m Min. dispersion of -6m and maximum of 4m Chromaticities of -1.96,-1.14 Total length of 96.2m Possibility to reduce further the transition energy by moving more bends towards areas of negative dispersion 22/08/2007 PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou
PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou An alternative NMC arc 1 FODO cell with 4 + 4 bends and an asymmetric low-beta triplet Phase advances of 320o,320o per module γt of 6.2i Five families of quads, with max. strength of 0.1m-2 Max. beta of 58m in both planes Min. dispersion of -8m and maximum of 6m Chromaticities of -1.6,-1.3 Total length of 90.56m Fifth quad family not entirely necessary Straight section in the middle can control γt 22/08/2007 PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou
PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou Other phase advances 320o, 280o with γt of -7.5 280o, 320o with γt of -10.4 Flexible phase advance tuning between 240o and 330o in both planes, but low phase advance solutions do not provide negative momentum compaction 22/08/2007 PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou
PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou Dispersion suppressor Two extra families of quadrupoles for setting dispersion to zero Matching not perfect (beta functions slightly large) but a good starting point 22/08/2007 PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou
PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou Remarks Total arc length of 560 meters, letting 225m of straight sections To be done Dispersion suppressor refinement Matching to the straight section Module length optimisation Minimise quadrupole families number Systematic phase advance scanning Working point matching Chromaticity correction Dynamic aperture evaluation 22/08/2007 PS2 Meeting, Y.Papaphilippou