About Multimedia Files Multimedia files – sound, action, video, and interactive elements such as games – can add new levels of impact, creativity, and interest to a Web site. Flash objects such as movies and buttons, as well as other kinds of multimedia files such as Shockwave movies and Java Applets, can easily be added to Web documents.
Terms ActiveX – Microsoft- developed technology that allows software components to work with other software components regardless of the language used to create them. Applet – Small Java application that can be embedded in a Web page to create interactivity for animations. Java – Programming language that operates on multiple platforms and operating systems.
Multimedia – Information presented by video sequences, animation, illustration, and sound. Plugin – Utility program that extends an application's capabilities.
Multimedia Files Multimedia files present information in the form of video sequences, animations, illustrations, and sounds. The Media drop-down list on the Common tab of the Insert bar provides buttons for inserting several popular types of multimedia files. These files include Flash movies and objects, Shockwave movies, Java applets, ActiveX controls, and plugin files. Plugin files require Netscape Navigator plugins for Netscape and Mozilla browsers. Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall Create Dynamic and Interactive Pages : Lesson 6, Exercise 53
Multimedia Files Although multimedia files add an undeniable punch to Web pages, consider carefully before going all out with sound and video embellishments. Multimedia files can add substantially to the size of the site, which may result in slow downloads that turn visitors off .
Insert a Flash Movie Adobe Flash files are designed to deliver crisp animations and presentations with relatively small file sizes. One caveat about using Flash is that it requires Flash Player in the browser, and different versions of Flash Player can vary in the kind of content they can display. When you insert a Flash file, Dreamweaver uses two sets of HTML tags to provide support for multiple browsers.
Modify and Play a Movie You can use the Flash Property inspector to modify the appearance and performance of the movie in the Web Document. The Property inspector displays by default several properties that look familiar to you from other graphic objects. Use the Name text box to identify the movie for scripting purposes.
Other Multimedia Plugins You can employ the same techniques used to insert Flash movies to insert Shockwave movies and other plugin types from the Media drop-down list. ActiveX components run only in Windows-based Internet Explorer.
Be certain to read Pages 307 – 310 for more details. Reading Be certain to read Pages 307 – 310 for more details.
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