Sylvia E. Rosas, MD, Marshall Joffe, MD, PhD, MPH, J


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Presentation transcript:

Determinants of successful synthetic hemodialysis vascular access graft placement  Sylvia E. Rosas, MD, Marshall Joffe, MD, PhD, MPH, J.Eileen Burns, PhD, Jill Knauss, MS, Kenneth Brayman, MD, PhD, Harold I. Feldman, MD, MSCE  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 37, Issue 5, Pages 1036-1042 (May 2003) DOI: 10.1067/mva.2003.257 Copyright © 2003 Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Distribution of number of graft-related events by patient over the study. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2003 37, 1036-1042DOI: (10.1067/mva.2003.257) Copyright © 2003 Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 Kaplan-Meier curves with standard error of primary and secondary patency. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2003 37, 1036-1042DOI: (10.1067/mva.2003.257) Copyright © 2003 Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions

Fig. 3 Angle of vascular anastomosis. A, Acute angle. B, Obtuse angle. Journal of Vascular Surgery 2003 37, 1036-1042DOI: (10.1067/mva.2003.257) Copyright © 2003 Society for Vascular Surgery and The American Association for Vascular Surgery Terms and Conditions