SPANISH MAJOR 45 credits of upper division 15 credits need to be at OSU, to include WIC Minimum GPA in major of 2.0 Electives: (33 total credits in upper division Spanish, distributed as follows), 6 credits of advisor/faculty-approved Spanish literature at 400 level (SPAN 317, 318, 327 excluded) I chose: ________ + _________ = 6 credits *See note 1 below + 9 credits of Spanish at 400-level I choose: _________ + _________ +________= 6 credits *See note 2 below Additional electives to bring total to 33 elective credits *SPAN 350, 351 recommended for students interested in teaching. *Up to 2 credits of SPAN 379 and FLL 410 may be used for this requirement. *WLC courses may be used I choose: ______________________________________________________________ =_____ credits (minimum 33) Note 1: Total of 6 credits of 400 level literature in major are required, and they can overlap with the culture classes. If they do overlap, they will not count they will not count twice (for culture and elective credit), so the student still needs a total of 33 elective credits. Note 2: A total of 9 credits at the 400 level are required for the major. 3 of these are filled by the WIC course (SPAN 438 or 3 credits of SPAN 470). The additional 6 credits will fall into the major elective category. SPAN 470 completes the entire 400 level requirement. + Required courses (must be completed with B (3.0) average, and may not be taken S/U): Choose 9 credits of culture (3 courses) from the following: SPAN 331 (3) The Cultures of Spain and Portugal; pre-req: 9 cr. upper division Spanish SPAN 332 (3) (varied topics) SPAN 333 (3) SPAN 336 (3) SPAN 337 (3) Latin American Culture; pre-req: 9 cr. upper division Spanish SPAN 338 (3) (varied topics) SPAN 339 (3)—Mexican Immigrant Experience in the United States; pre-req: 12 cr. upper division Span. I choose _________ + _________ + ________ = 9 credits (continued on reverse)
I choose Option #__________ Required courses (continued) SPAN 438 (3) (WIC)–Selected Topics in Luso-Hispanic Culture (WIC must be taken through OSU) * 3 credits of SPAN 470 (WIC) can also count for this requirement + Study Abroad: Students must participate in an OUS, OSU-approved study abroad program or in an approved internship experience in a Spanish speaking country. If a student cannot find an OSU-approved program that fits their needs, they can petition for a different program to be approved. My study abroad program: ____________________________________________________ I choose Option #__________ In addition: Spanish majors may fulfill CLA requirements for BA degree by successfully completing either of the following: Option 1: Through 213 of a 2nd foreign language (or demonstrate equivalent proficiency) Option 2: Take through 113 of a 2nd foreign language (or demonstrate equivalent proficiency) + An additional 9 credits of upper division electives in major language (above and beyond what is required for the Spanish major itself)