INTRODUCTION Every drop of water is precious We cannot live without water Water is very scarce in desert areas We get water through taps and wells
WATER SOURCES.. Lakes, Ponds, Wells , River etc.
USES OF WATER Water is an essential commodity in our day to day life, We use water mainly for: Drinking Washing Cooking Cleaning Irrigation
DESERT AREA Acres and acres of dry land Water is very limited. Plant Mainly found: Cactus Ship of the Desert: Camel Oasis: The place in the desert where we find water and date trees grow
CAMEL Camel is an animal found in the desert Main mode of transportation in desert Ship of the desert
CACTUS Cactus is a plant mostly found in the desert Has thorns all over its body
OASIS Oasis is the place in the desert where water will be present and there will be palm and date trees growing Is a greenish place in the desert Very helpful for travelers in the desert
IN THE DESERT… People move to one place from other in search of food and water
IN THE DESERT… Life is very tough People lives in special house – Tents Tents are made of canvas
WASTAGE OF WATER We should not waste even a simple drop of water A leaky pipe should be repaired immediately Rain water should be collected in tanks
RAIN WATER COLLECTOR Collect rain water in huge tanks.
SAVE WATER Close the tap tightly Never keep the tap running while brushing our teeth
RE-USAGE OF WATER Water used to wash vegetables & fruits can be used to water the plants Water used to wash face and hands can be used to mop the floor
FORMATIVE ASSESMENT LESSON : DROP BY DROP Written assignments, MCQs. Find out the water availability and use in school and house.