How to read and understand your Salary Schedule
Placements Placement Degree + credits earned Last name, first name School Year Graduated Where you may have placed in 2015-16
Completed Credits Where credit was earned Credit earned Double underline = 1 step ($600) 6 credits = 1 step ($600) MAX 12 credits = 2 steps ($1,200)/year Where credit was earned Credit earned Completed Course name Rollover credits when you earn a step (6 credits) but there is more left over from the same credit earned. Fiscal year that credit is applied to EX: Course completed during the 2017-18 school year is marked as 2018-19. It will be applied to your 2018-19 Salary Schedule Total credits earned
Pending Credits (Credits to be verified) This section is where you can find “pending credits” Pending credits are credits that you have turned in a Credit Approval Form for, but I have not received verification from you that this class is completed (your transcript). Keep in mind, I do not receive your Approval Forms right away. Approval forms are to be turned into your principal, who meets with the Admin team, and once the Admin team has approved they give it to me. Once a class is completed, I move it to the completed credits section. Credits that are currently being taken for the next fiscal years’ salary will be in color. Current credits for 2019-20 are in a blueish color.
Professional Development Hours Professional Development continues to roll over until you earn 15+ hours. Once you reach 15 hours of Professional Development hours, you earn 1 credit. 15 PD Hours = 1 credit Not everone will have a PD Hours section on their Salary Schedule. Once you take PD Hours, you will see this section on your Salary Schedule! This section is where you can find your PD (Professional Development) Hours Professional Development Hours
Questions? If you have any questions on your Salary Schedule, please let me know. Makayla Jahns HR Assistant/Bookkeeper (715) 796-4500 EXT #3382