Susan Johnson CFOA Director Performance & Improvement CFOA National Context Susan Johnson CFOA Director Performance & Improvement
CFOA perspective CFOA Sounding Board – Horizon Scanning Debate 2009 Autumn Conference: ‘50 days to Save the World’: the growing impacts of climate change on the FRS sector, Fit with the wider national and international context December 09 Members Sounding Board: “How do we ensure climate change becomes part of the Fire and Rescue Service’s future DNA?” ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: MEMBER QUESTIONNAIRE KEY SPEAKERS MEMBER DEBATE
Strategic messages Be bold and ambitious (civil protection agency) Lobbying position with Government – part of the CFOA Green Paper Leverage learning and experience from across the UK Mainstream through CFOA workstreams Build on the networks in the sector Map out and share what we are already doing
Cross cutting themes identified: Prevention • Communication with the public (raising awareness and educating) • Partnership working – e.g. through Local Resilience Forums, Locality Partnerships, Total Place. • Changing public behaviour Operations • Response capacity • Resilience • Work of flood group • IRMP / Risk JUST EXAMPLES- DON’T DISCUSS JUST TO DEMONSTRATE SCALE AND BREADTH
Cross cutting themes identified: Protection • Define our added value in environmental protection •RRO Risk assessments to include protection against extreme weather • Considering the holistic protection of areas, especially Critical National Infrastructure Research and Statistics • How emergency response mitigates the CO2 emissions • Quantify the CO2 emissions savings secured by fire prevention activities Quantify the collective impact of UK FRS’s on CO2 emissions • Access to European funds research funds for collaborative academic research across Europe. JUST EXAMPLES- DON’T DISCUSS JUST TO DEMONSTRATE SCALE AND BREADTH
Cross cutting themes identified: Human Resources Training our response crews to deal with more extreme weather • Health and Safety implications to personnel from climate change • Leading the climate agenda through leadership development • train to raise awareness of mitigation, adaptation and corporate responsibility Performance and improvement Quantify financial case, efficiencies and cost of non compliance Procurement – influencing the supply chain Performance assessment- readiness for KLOE 3.1 Sector led improvement – capturing notable practice Communications Leverage from our brand JUST EXAMPLES- DON’T DISCUSS JUST TO DEMONSTRATE SCALE AND BREADTH
Key outcomes/ recommendations: CFOA will act as the representative for UK FRS’s in discussions with Govt and EU : to identify opportunities where FRS’s can positively contribute to the climate agenda Help shape the future of the sector in the right direction CFOA will inform stakeholders of the issues and how it intends to support FRSs CFOA will consider the opportunities the impacts of climate change may have on UK FRS’s and how this may lead to the development of the Fire and Rescue Sector within a wider national and European civil protection framework. publication will be produced aimed at internal and external stakeholders, spelling out the issues (and what CFOA intends to do to support and guide FRS’s as they address them), as well as signposting Association members and partners to the right information and key contacts.
Key outcomes/ recommendations: Climate change & sustainability to be led from with Presidential team P&I directorate will have stewardship of Climate change: Act as a communications hub for notable practice, legal advice and useful contacts. CLIMATE CHANGE & SUSTAINABILITY TO BE LED FROM WITH PRESIDENTIAL TEAM IN RECOGNITION OF ITS CROSS CUTTING NATURE, LIKE E&D AND H&S
Fire Expenditure Group Performance & Improvement Directorate Performance Improvement Governance Assets Resources ICT * National Procurement Board * Fire Finance Group Finance Shared Services & Efficiencies Fire Expenditure Group Technical Support Logistics (TSL) * Firebuy Estates/PFI/ FM Asset Mgt Climate Change Transport Officers Group * Firebuy
By the end of this seminar: Better understanding of the AC’s expectations Better understanding of the KLOE 3.1 Shared knowledge/ expertise/ experiences And moving forward: Be part of a virtual network of professionals Participate in future events