One Voice – One Plan Office of Education Improvement and Innovation MI-CSI: Plan Stage Develop Improvement Plan
Introduction Plan Develop Improvement Plan
Activity: Why, How, What? Take a moment to read through and reflect upon the following questions. Then discuss at your table. Why: Why do we need a School Improvement Plan? How: – How does the plan reflect the data and data analysis? – How does the plan inform job embedded practice to support student achievement? – How do we select appropriate strategies and activities to accomplish the goals in the plan? – How does the plan address the student needs identified in your data? What: – What supports and training are needed to fully implement the plan? – What monitoring systems are or will need to be in place?
Plan Vocabulary Goal Statement Measurable Objective Statement Strategy Statement Activity Statement Components (Drivers) of Effective Implementation
Develop Strategies Plan Develop Improvement Plan
The Big Picture
Goal Statement Set Measurable Objectives Developing the Plan Strategy Statement Activities
What is a Strategy? Adult Focused Instructionally Address how to close any gaps in achievement Address the gap identified Linked to measurable objectives Address the system practices identified in the CNA
Bernhardt, Victoria. Data Analysis for Continuous School Improvement. Eye on Education (pp. 20 – 30) Be Specific! Author Title of Book Page Numbers PublisherDate
Strategy Statement Criteria Describe what you intend to accomplish addressing the issue and connect back to measurable objective Teacher/staff will Action Verb + +
Examples of Strategy Statements a common writing rubric based on an identified research-based model (6+1 writing). Specific emphasis will be placed on main idea and details. Teacher/staff will use non-linguistic representation, specifically flow maps, to teach critical thinking skills in order to increase student capacity for retelling.
Examples of Strategy Statements manipulatives while instructing in standards related to numbers and numeration. Teacher/staff will incorporate utilize Marzanos note-taking strategies into science and social studies instruction.
The Right Way? Is this the right thing to do? Can we do it the right way?
Drivers of Effective Implementation Drivers of Effective Implementation Leadership Competency Organization Mission Vision Beliefs Student Achievement
Leadership Leadership TechnicalTechnical Does the leadership have the knowledge and skills to effectively monitor and evaluate implementation and impact and to identify known solutions to issues that may arise? AdaptiveAdaptive Does the leadership have the ability to minimize resistance and to create support for high quality implementation?
Competency Competency Selection Who are the right people to implement the strategy and who will need training? Training What learning opportunities will support implementation with fidelity? Coaching What support will be provided for those who are implementing the strategy/activity? Performance Assessment What will be done to monitor fidelity of implementation and the impact on recipients of the strategy/activity?
Organization Organization What type of data systems are in place to collect implementation and impact data? What are the decision-making processes and mechanisms to analyze and evaluate data? Data-Driven Decision Making How will leadership support successful implementation of the strategy/activity? Leadership Support System Support What internal systems are in place to support the successful implementation of the strategy/ activity? Performance Assessment What processes and mechanisms are in place to evaluate if systems are present and fully functioning to support implementation of the strategy/ activity with fidelity?
Goal Statement Set Measurable Objectives Develop Improvement Plan Strategy Statement Activities
Implementation Support Activities School Process Profile Data Readiness to Implement Successful Implementation Monitoring fidelity
Sample Activities by Category
Activity Components Activity Name Activity Type Activity Description Timeline Human and Financial Resources needed Staff responsible Monitoring plan Evidence of success
See handout Activity: Strategy Statements
Conclusion Plan Develop Improvement Plan