Strategic Budget & Planning Council Capital Improvements Plan December 12, 2011
Four Campuses on 4,100 acres of land Over 300 buildings totaling 4.5M square feet constructed since 1888 Self-Maintained Utility Infrastructure: Kingston Campus water system served by wells & 1M gallon storage tank Kingston Campus high voltage electrical system Kingston Campus steam plant and steam distribution system Co-owner of the Regional Wastewater System (with South Kingstown and Narragansett) with responsibility for waste water collection systems on the Kingston and Bay Campuses Extensive roadway, parking, and walkway infrastructure & landscaped grounds
CIP Funding Sources General Obligation Bonds (State of Rhode Island) Rhode Island Capital Plan (RICAP) Funds (State of Rhode Island) Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation (RIHEBC) Bonds Private Funds Grants (Government & Private) Certificates of Participation (COP) University Funds Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation (RIEDC)
Capital Investments & Funding Sources 1991 - 2011 Over $831M invested in New Construction, Renovation and Infrastructure over the last 20 years (exclusive of Asset Protection expenditures) supported by a spectrum of funding sources * Including Auxiliary/Enterprise funds
Capital Investments & Funding Sources 1991 - 2011
Capital Investments & Funding Sources 1991 - 2011
Historic Development of University (square footage)
for the University’s CIP - FY 2013-2017 State-Level Review and Approval Process for the University’s CIP - FY 2013-2017 The University’s annually-updated Capital Improvement Program forwarded to State Budget Office through the Office of Higher Education – July 2011 Review and Approval by the Board of Governors – August 2011 State Capital Advisory Committee hearing leading to the formulation of recommendations to the Governor – September 2011 Capital Improvement Program reflected in the Governor’s State Budget submitted to the Legislature – February 2012 Board of Governors, Governor and Legislative approvals required for non state bond financing or capital leases for University projects – June 2012 State Budget and Capital Improvement Program approved by the Legislature and the Governor - June 2012
CIP Evaluation Criteria & Utility Cost Analysis Program Enhancement Sustainability URI Brand Enhancement & Business Plan RI Economic Development
URI Capital Improvements Plan FY 2013 - FY 2017 Priority Project Budget Funding Source Start Complete FY 12 On-Going & New Projects $451,457,715 1 Center for Biotechnology & Life Sciences $59,724,027 GO Bond 2004 / RICAP 4/1/2010 5/30/2012 2 College of Pharmacy Building $75,200,000 GO Bond 2006 / Private 6/27/2007 12/30/2011 3 Fire Safety & Protection Auxiliary Enterprises $18,205,000 RIHEBC 7/1/2008 6/30/2012 4 Fire Safety & Protection Academic & Administrative $26,802,583 ARRA / RICAP 1/1/2010 11/11/2013 5 Energy Conservation/Performance Contracting - Phase 1 $18,100,000 COP 7/1/2007 5/18/2010 6 Energy Conservation/Performance Contracting - Phase 2 $12,600,000 7/1/2009 6/3/2011 7 Ranger Hall Renovation Phase 1 (Infrastructure + A/E) $4,666,438 GO Bond 1996 / Private 12/30/2012 8 New Chemistry Building $65,800,000 GO Bond 2010 / RICAP 7/1/2010 7/30/2013 9 Nursing Education Center $65,200,000 * GO Bond 2012 / RICAP 9/1/2010 6/30/2015 10 North District Infrastructure and Program Support $10,315,000 11 Tyler Hall Renovation $4,040,064 12 College of Engineering - Advanced Planning $300,000 Fund 110 7/1/2011 13 Roger Williams Wellness & Fitness Center $11,000,000 Private / Auxiliary 4/1/2009 11/2/2012 14 Hillside Residence Hall $45,807,706 HRL / RIHEBC 8/30/2012 15 Student Athletic Development Center $3,300,000 Private / Fund Balance 16 Repaving - Road Construction $13,725,000 17 Rodos Hellenic Center $4,226,423 Private 9/30/2011 18 Behavioral Change Lab $2,845,473 Grant 19 Fine Arts Advanced Planning $400,000 RICAP 20 GLBT Center $1,500,000 Fund Balance 8/30/2013 21 Butterfield Dining Expansion $7,600,000 Auxiliary Fund Balance 6/30/2013 22 Roger Williams Complex - Advanced Planning $100,000 Auxiliary Currently Fully Funded Partially Funded * Requires Supplemental URI Funding in Previous FY for Advanced A&E + Critical Projects New CIP Projects
URI Capital Improvements Plan FY 2013 - FY 2017 Priority Project Budget Funding Source Start Complete FY13 Priorities $127,900,000 Total RICAP = $9,400,000.00 23 Classroom & Instructional Lab Improvements $4,500,000 + RICAP 7/1/2012 6/30/2015 24 Woodward Hall - Nutrition & Food Sci. Renovation $1,000,000 + 11/30/2012 25 Fogarty , Morrill & Pastore - Advanced Planning $200,000 6/30/2013 26 GSO Campus Building Renovations - Advanced Planning $300,000 Fund 110 27 Historic Quad Buildings Renovations $67,100,000 GO Bond 2012 2/1/2013 11/30/2017 28 Biological Resources Lab $16,900,000 RIHEBC / Grant 11/22/2015 29 Public Safety Building $3,700,000 6/30/2014 30 Facilities Services Sector Upgrade Incl. L&G Building $8,300,000 * RIHEBC 7/1/2011 31 Utilities Infrastructure - Phase 1 $10,000,000 32 Kingston Campus Parking Garage $15,900,000 RIHEBC / Parking Funds FY14 Priorities $36,600,000 $36,600,000.00 33 Morrill Hall Renovation $18,200,000 7/1/2013 12/30/2015 34 Fogarty Hall Renovation - Office Use $15,500,000 35 Quinn Hall Exterior Renovations - Phase 2 $2,900,000 FY15 Priorities $167,500,000 $0.00 36 Fine Arts Center Renovation & Addition $65,000,000 GO Bond 2014 2/1/2015 8/30/2017 37 Engineering - Building Renovations $102,500,000 7/30/2018 FY16 Priorities $68,800,000 $56,781,228.57 38 Admissions - New Building $13,100,000 7/1/2015 6/30/2017 39 Quinn Hall Interior Renovation $22,500,000 40 Horn Laboratory Renovation $23,200,000 + RICAP / Fund 110 8/31/2017 41 Utilities Infrastructure - Phase 2 6/30/2018 FY17 Priorities $28,100,000 $28,100,000.00 42 Davis Hall Renovations $9,000,000 12/1/2016 11/30/2018 43 Edwards Hall Interior Renovation $3,600,000 7/1/2016 44 Bio-Behavioral Center $5,700,000 45 Child and Family Science Center $9,800,000 Currently Fully Funded Partially Funded * Requires Supplemental URI Funding in Previous FY for Advanced A&E + Critical Projects New CIP Projects