Key Aspect Categories
Learning Intentions To learn and recognise what the 7 categories of Media Studies are. To learn how media companies use categories to design and produce texts.
Recap Key Aspect of Language – Semiotics - Codes - Denotation and connotation - Culture and time context - Polysemy - Anchorage
Categories – A way of categorising texts in terms of: MEDIUM (eg print, television, radio, film, internet) PURPOSE (eg to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to educate, to gain profit) FORM (eg drama, light entertainment, above or below the line advertising, newspaper) GENRE (eg science fiction, soap opera, documentary, game show, broadsheet) TONE (eg serious, comic, ironic, formal, informal, objective, personal, scientific) STYLE (eg realist, expressionist, conventional, unconventional, traditional, modern) OTHER CATEGORIES (eg nationality, target audience, director, star, public sector)
Which of the categories could we apply to this advert? MEDIUM (eg print, television, radio, film, internet) PURPOSE (eg to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to educate, to gain profit) FORM (eg drama, light entertainment, above or below the line advertising, newspaper) GENRE (eg science fiction, soap opera, documentary, game show, broadsheet) TONE (eg serious, comic, ironic, formal, informal, objective, personal, scientific) STYLE (eg realist, expressionist, conventional, unconventional, traditional, modern) OTHER CATEGORIES (eg nationality, target audience, director, star, public sector)
How are categories used in this media text? What is the medium of the text? What are the purposes of the text? (give evidence) What is the form of the text? What is the genre of the text? (Give evidence) What is the tone of the text? (Give evidence) What is the style of the text? (Give evidence) Can you see any other categories that are used?