Open data for more effective grantmaking


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Presentation transcript:

Open data for more effective grantmaking

What we do We support grantmakers to publish their grants data openly, to understand their data and to use the data as part of a more innovative and informed approach to grantmaking.

UK grantmaking in numbers £15.3bn = government spending in the voluntary sector £6.5bn = foundation grantmaking 166,000 = UK voluntary organisations 28,000 = voluntary organisations that make grants

Following the funding

Simple standardisation - thousands of uses

Imagine if it was as easy as this coastal communities?

Publishing data to 360 standard

Using the data

Supporting grantseekers

Building tools

Analysing the data Credit: OCSI Local Insight tool Credit: Austin Rodriguez, Birmingham City Council

Birmingham and 360 data 6,147 grants to organisations in the West Midlands in 2012-2016 From 22 funders to 4,621 recipients £323 million Largest award to Wolverhampton Voluntary Sector Council (£10.3 million)

Birmingham by district

What do we mean by collaboration? Data as a starting point…not a silver bullet Where money went, not whether it worked What else do you need to better collaborate?

Challenges The technology is available but tech capacity in the sector is low No set rules on sharing data – are you collecting the information you need? Do we all want the same behaviour change?