Objectives To examine methods of deleting and relocating text. To demonstrate using Overtype Mode. To identify editing tools and commands. To show techniques for using editing tools and commands.
Main Menu Deleting & Relocating Text Deleting Text in Documents Relocating Text in Documents Using Overtype Mode Editing Tools & Commands Using Editing Tools Using the Undo, Redo & Repeat Commands
Text Can be deleted by using the Backspace and Delete keys on the keyboard select the text to be removed and then press either key The Backspace key removes text to the left of the insertion point. The Delete key removes text to the right of the insertion point.
Text Can be moved in a document by using “drag-and-drop editing” select the text which needs to be moved click and drag the insertion point to the desired location release the mouse button to move the selected text
Text Can also be relocated using the cut, copy and paste commands cutting removes the selected text from the document and places it on the clipboard copying makes a duplicate of the selected text and places it on the clipboard, leaving the selection in its original location pasting moves items from the clipboard into the document where the insertion point is located Clipboard- temporary storage area where all cut and copied items are stored for future use
Overtype Mode Allows users to replace text as it is typed in a document existing characters do not shift to the right to make room for new characters, rather the existing characters are replaced with new characters as they are typed Is off by default must be activated to work Insert Mode- method of operation used for adding new text within a document; is the default setting
Show the Deleting Text in Documents video segment. Instructions: Show the Deleting Text in Documents video segment.
Show the Relocating Text in Documents video segment. Instructions: Show the Relocating Text in Documents video segment.
Show the Using Overtype Mode video segment. Instructions: Show the Using Overtype Mode video segment.
Proofing Group Is located on the Review tab Contains commands to: manually run a spelling and grammar check by clicking on the Spelling & Grammar icon open the Thesaurus by clicking on the Thesaurus icon open the word count window to view the statistics of the document by clicking the Word Count icon
Spelling & Grammar Are checked as users type into a document errors are marked with wavy underlines red wavy underlines indicate possible spelling errors blue wavy underlines indicate possible grammatical errors and word choice errors to preview suggested changes, right-click on the underlined terms and the suggestions will appear
Thesaurus Is a tool which lists words which are synonyms and antonyms of the searched term Can be used by selecting a term in the text and then right-clicking or on the shortcut menu hovering over “Synonyms” Can be opened to view both synonyms and antonyms by clicking the Thesaurus icon
Word Count Measures the contents of the document such as the number of: pages words characters (with and without spaces) paragraphs lines
Undo Command Reverses a single action Is located on the Quick Access Toolbar Can also be completed by pressing Control Z
Redo Restores any action a user reversed with Undo Is located on the Quick Access Toolbar Can also be completed by pressing Control Y
Repeat Duplicates the most recent action Appears on the Quick Access Toolbar when there are no actions to redo Can also be completed by pressing Control Y
Show the Using Editing Tools video segment. Instructions: Show the Using Editing Tools video segment.
Show the Using the Undo, Redo & Repeat Commands video segment. Instructions: Show the Using the Undo, Redo & Repeat Commands video segment.
Acknowledgements Director of Brand Management Megan O’Quinn Graphic Editors Hilary Jasper, Megan O’Quinn Videography/Post Production Jake Saye Video Narrator Lora Cain Quality Control Director Angela Dehls Collaborators Stephanie Tullis Business & Computer Technologies Educator V.P. of Brand Management Clayton Franklin Executive Producer Gordon W. Davis, Ph.D. © MMXVIII CEV Multimedia, Ltd.