Classroom Managment Teacher Training Course 2014 – Paolo Iotti
Everyone’s Body Rhytms 1. Your heart beats faster, you breath faster 2. Your heartbeat and breathing are fastest. 3. Your body natyrally restores the balance by your heart rate and breathing rate slowing down. 4. Your heart beats slowly, you breathe slowly. 5. Your hearth and breathing rates speed up again.
Everyone’s Body Rhytms 1. You are arguing with a person you live with. 2. You storm out, slamming the door. 3. That energy flows away. 4. You become reflective: “why did I say that?” 5. You (may) go back and say “I’m sorry about what I said… How about a coffee?”
Tired learners This lesson shape works when your learners come into the classroom with their energy on the way up. You channel that raising energy to make your lesson successful. However, you might be teaching the last lesson of the day (of the week): you recognize the eexhausted faces of your learners. You then need your strategy n.2
A false idea! There has been a very false idea about the “communicative teaching”, where the teacher is told to make every minute of the lesson as lively and energetic as possible: “right, let’s start with an action song, then a role-play, four games, a competition…” This lesson wors for ten minutes… If you try to keep your learners at the climax energy level, you’re burning yourself out!
Flow with their energy! Expect the energy of your learners to fall after a climax and, with your teaching, respect their physiology. Where would you put thinking, role-play, action songs ?
Don’t burn out sitting on your learners The other false idea is that you have to sit on your learners to keep them always in a quiet passive role: “SILENCE!” … for about 10 minutes, then the learners’ energy naturally rises and then begin to giggle or pass notes, or fight… Expect it!
Simplify all lesson plans These curves help you simplify all your lesson planning. They show that there are only 4 kinds of activity: with raise energy, climax, reflexive cool down activities, quite phase activities. ………………. ….……………. ………………… ………………. ….……………. ………………… ………………. ….……………. ………………… ………………. ….……………. …………………
Oh, no… Traditional lesson planning
Physioligy Very tired or very younr learners:
When to write? The natural time for your learners to do individual writing is just after a climax. Then your learners are glad to go quite, to stop interacting and be thoughtful.
How can I tell what state my learners are in? …………………………….