Chapter 18: Virtue—a Cornerstone on Which to Build Our Lives “You are, each one of you, children of a divine Father in Heaven. You were created after His design in the image of your Creator. Your body is sacred. It is the temple of your spirit. Do not defile it with sin.”
From the Life of Gordon B. Hinckley President Gordon B. Hinckley counseled, “Let virtue be a cornerstone on which to build your lives.”
Virtuous living brings marvelous and wonderful blessings. There is nothing in all this world as magnificent as virtue. It glows without tarnish. It is precious and beautiful. It is above price. It cannot be bought or sold. It is the fruit of self-mastery. Let virtue be a cornerstone on which to build your lives.5 (D&C 121:45) (D&C 121:45–46) How might you respond to someone who argues that there is not a valid case for virtue?
Chastity is “the way to happiness in living.” When we rise above the filth and immorality of the world, we enjoy greater happiness, security, and peace of mind. As we look out over the world, it seems that morality has been cast aside. The violation of old standards has become common. Studies, one after another, show that there has been an abandonment of time-tested principles. Self-discipline has been forgotten, and promiscuous indulgence has become widespread. But, my dear friends, we cannot accept that which has become common in the world. Yours, as members of this Church, is a higher standard and more demanding. It declares as a voice from Sinai that thou shalt not indulge. You must keep control of your desires.6 (1 Corinthians 3:16–17) Chastity is “the way to happiness in living.” Why is chastity “the way to happiness in living”? Why does chastity bring “peace to the heart and peace to the home”?
Pornography is addictive and destructive, but we can rise above it. You live in a world of terrible temptations. Pornography, with its sleazy filth, sweeps over the earth like a horrible, engulfing tide. It is poison. Do not watch it or read it. It will destroy you if you do. It will take from you your self-respect. It will rob you of a sense of the beauties of life. It will tear you down and pull you into a slough of evil thoughts and possibly of evil actions. Stay away from it. Shun it as you would a foul disease, for it is just as deadly. Be virtuous in thought and in deed.15 There is so much of filth and lust and pornography in this world. We as Latter-day Saints must rise above it and stand tall against it. You can’t afford to indulge in it. You just cannot afford to indulge in it. You have to keep it out of your heart. Like tobacco it’s addictive, and it will destroy those who tamper with it. “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly” [D&C 121:45].16 What can we do to rise above it [pornography]? How can we help others rise above it?
With discipline and effort, we can control our thoughts and actions. Be clean in mind, and then you will have greater control over your bodies. It was said of old, “As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). Unclean thoughts lead to unclean acts.17 When tempted we can substitute for thoughts of evil thoughts of [our Savior] and His teachings. He has said: “And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things. (D&C 88:67–68). What do you learn about controlling your thoughts? What are some practical things we can do to keep our thoughts clean?
Those who have been involved in immoral behavior can be forgiven and can rise above the past. Be true to yourselves and the best you have within you.21 Let me … assure you that if you have made a mistake, if you have become involved in any immoral behavior, all is not lost. Memory of that mistake will likely linger, but the deed can be forgiven, and you can rise above the past to live a life fully acceptable unto the Lord where there has been repentance. He has promised that He will forgive your sins and remember them no more against you (see D&C 58:42).