A-16 Portfolio Management Implementation Plan Update Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) Adrian Gardner (DHS/FEMA) NGAC Meeting December 11, 2013
Topics Background - A-16 Supplemental Guidance GAO Recommendations NGAC Guidance Portfolio Management Planning Activities Overview of Draft Implementation Plan Schedule for Review Next Steps
A-16 Supplemental Guidance Components: Elements of the National Geospatial Data Asset Portfolio Portfolio Management of National Geospatial Data Assets Roles and Responsibilities Pursuant to OMB Circular A–16 National Geospatial Data Asset Portfolio Investment Strategy NGAC provided extensive comments on the Draft and Final Draft versions of the Supplemental Guidance
GAO Recommendation GAO Report (GAO-13-94):”OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication” (Nov. 2012) Recommendation: “To better facilitate the coordination of—and accountability for—the estimated billions of dollars in federal geospatial investments, and to reduce duplication, we recommend that the Secretary of the Interior, as the FGDC Chair, direct the FGDC Steering Committee to take the following three actions: 1. Establish a time frame for completing a plan to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance, and develop and implement the plan within the established time frame. The plan, at a minimum, should include goals and performance measures, and the FGDC should report annually to OMB on the progress made on efforts to improve coordination and reduce duplication among themes.”
FGDC Response 1-15-13 Memorandum from Anne Castle to FGDC Steering Committee/Coordination Group Describes FGDC response; Directs FGDC Steering Committee to take specific actions to implement recommendations 6-7-13 Memorandum to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council Provides direction and outlines roles/responsibilities for theme lead agencies and other FGDC agencies Executive Sponsors: Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC), Adrian Gardner (DHS/FEMA) Interagency Team: Developing draft implementation plan
NGAC Guidance March 2013 FGDC Guidance to NGAC: OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance/Portfolio Management Implementation Plan The NGAC has provided ongoing advice and recommendations related to the development and implementation of the OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance. The recent GAO report, “OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication” (GAO-13-94), recommended that the FGDC “establish a time frame for completing a plan to facilitate the implementation of OMB’s portfolio management guidance, and develop and implement the plan within the established time frame.” The FGDC requests continuing input from the NGAC on this process, including the following: Provide feedback and comment on the A-16/portfolio management plan as it is developed.
A-16 Portfolio Management Plan Planning Activities – Laying the Groundwork Compared the theme datasets with Data.gov/Geospatial Platform records Developing a high level guidance and lessons learned for Theme leads Release of Theme Lead’s GeoPlatform community Develop data lifecycle maturity guidance Theme Leads/dataset managers validate dataset inventory Develop dashboard, tools, and theme communities on the Geospatial Platform Aligning the Portfolio Implementation Plan with the NSDI Strategic Plan
Overview of Draft A-16 Plan Focus on National Geospatial Data Asset (NGDA) Datasets Portfolio Management Implementation Addresses A-16 Supplemental Guidance and the portfolio management goals in the 2014-16 NSDI Strategic Plan Vision: A National Spatial Data Infrastructure Portfolio consisting of a core set of National Geospatial Data Assets (NGDA) which is complete, current, and accessible with a quality sufficient to support the mission-critical business requirements of the Federal Government and its stakeholders Goal: Implement a systematic A-16 Portfolio Management process that supports and optimizes efficient investment in effective sharing of core geospatial data across the Federal enterprise, its partners, and stakeholders.
Overview of Draft A-16 Plan Organized into two main parts Establishing the Portfolio Foundation Launching the Portfolio Management Process Provides objectives and actions Initiation Date Completion Date Responsibility Metric Dependencies Output Outcome Reference
Implementation Plan Schedule DRAFT 11-5-13 Updated 11-25-13, 12-6-13, 12-9-13 Timeframe Activity Feb, 2013 1st Theme and dataset managers meeting to discuss approach Apr 4, 2013 Theme lead conference call Jun 6, 2013 FGDC Executive Committee Meeting Jun 7, 2013 Direction memo to agencies sent through the President’s Management Council from Anne Castle, FGDC Chair Jun 13, 2013 FGDC Steering Committee Meeting Jul 8, 2013 Implementation planning meeting Sep 4, 2013 Implementation Plan 1st draft released for core team review Sep 12, 2013 Steering Committee Meeting and request for additional representatives to work on plan Sep 2013 Small core team vetted approach and revised draft plan outline Oct 31, 2013 Theme Leads meeting on content, actions and writing team (rescheduled from 10/2/13) Nov 13, 2013 Convene core group to prepare rough draft Nov 14, 2013 Convene writing team to develop 1st draft (begin weekly meetings) Nov 19, 2013 Theme Lead meeting – focus on implementation steps and actions Nov 27, 2013 Core group develops, 2nd draft from Theme Lead meeting input and submitted comments Dec 6, 2013 Draft plan to writing team for review (Core Team comments on v7.0, 12/9 meeting to adjudicate comments) Dec 10, 2013 Draft plan to Theme Leads / Coord. Group for review/comment (due 12/13, Core team adjudicates 12/17) Dec 18, 2013 Draft to Executive Committee, Coordination Group, Executive Champions, for review and comment (requested by 12/20, final comments due back by January 10) Jan 10-16, 2013 Writing team reviews comments and updates draft Jan 16, 2014 Revised draft to Steering Committee, Coordination Group, NGAC Members for review/comment (Due 1/28) Feb 3, 2014 Revised Draft Final to Steering Committee and Coordination Group for review prior to vote Feb 13, 2014 Steering Committee endorsement vote (Steering Committee Meeting) Mar 31, 2014 Revised date for submission of Steering Committee endorsed Implementation Plan to GAO* *Plan implementation is supported by Geospatial Platform tools still to be developed. The plan may be revised and updated to align with actual implementation solutions as they are developed. Items in yellow are complete
Initial NGAC Review & Comment Planned date for distribution to NGAC: January 16 Comments due: January 28 Due to short timeframe, FGDC is requesting comments from individual NGAC members, rather than consolidated NGAC comments Additional instructions and information will be provided prior to NGAC review
Questions/Discussion www.fgdc.gov