Combining disciplines Masters by Research Core Training 18/10/17
Outline of the session What is a discipline? Inter-disciplinary research vs multi-disciplinary research Triangulation Multi-methods approaches to research
A discipline typically has: A (collection of) theoretical perspective(s) An epistemology (what constitutes knowledge, and how to acquire and validate it) A language (with technical terms . . .) A collection of methods and tools Criteria for “acceptability” (of subject matter, methods etc . . .)
Inter-disciplinary vs multi-disciplinary research Philosophical foundations of the underlying disciplines Inter-disciplinary – integrating insights Multi-disciplinary juxtaposing insights Building conceptual frameworks
Principles of mixed methods design illustration, convergent validation (triangulation), the development of analytic density or ‘‘richness” Fielding, N.G (2012) Triangulation and Mixed Methods Designs: Data Integration with New Research Technologies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. DOI: 10.1177/1558689812437101
Sustainable Development a worked example Ethical paradox? Eco-form? Integrative management? Global political agenda?
Multi-methods approaches to research tools and methods from various disciplines new and innovative tools with multiple applicability criteria of rigor and acceptability Examples from the cohort.