Radio Dispatch Console
Radio Dispatch Console What is Radio Dispatching Method used for 2-way radio communications between fixed Dispatch Centers to communicate with mobile field units to respond to public safety calls.
Radio Dispatch Console Rationale The Radio Communications Radio Dispatch Console systems at the Department of Public Safety Districts Offices 6 (Gallup) and 8 (Alamogordo) are need of replacement as they have exceeded their lifecycle.
Radio Dispatch Console Objectives Business Provide enhanced consolidated enterprise services to the Department of Public Safety by replacing end-of-life radio communications dispatch system. Technical Replacement of end-of-life Motorola gold elite consoles at department of Public safety offices in Gallup (District 6) and Alamogordo (District 8) with new IP-based Motorola L-core system utilizing MCC7100 console stations.
Radio Dispatch Console Who is Afftected Department of Public Safety District 6 – Gallup District 8 – Alamogordo
Radio Dispatch Console Funding Source - $356,792 Laws of 2013 General Appropriations Act Ch. 227 Sec. 4 Item 3 – Equipment Replacement Revolving Fund (ERF).
Radio Dispatch Console Questions, Issues and Concerns