WHAT IS STRESS Various definitions … (Why?) Stress can be categories as below: Self or bodily reaction to difficulties Troublesome events Perception of inability to overcome difficulties A state of tension Threat to one’s homeostatis
STRESS A holistic transaction between the individual & a stressor that results in the body’s mobilization of a stress response (Blonna, 2005)
STRESSOR Any stimulus appraise by the individual as threatening or capable of causing harm or loss The “cause” of the stress reaction, may be events, thought or demands. Event or condition that may be purely physical, social or psychological including anticipation and imagination and that triggers a stress reaction (Girdano, et. Al., 2001)
Type of Stressor Processive = elements in the environment perceived by the organism potential danger, do not cause danger directly but are processed in the brain Systemic Stressor = Causes disturbance in the organism’s homeostasis & the tissue necrosis, hypotension or hypoxia - Both type occur simultaneously; usually accompanied by pain/intensive emotions
Stress Response Stress responses are psychological, physiological, & behavioral reactions to stressor. Exp: Anxiety, depression, muscle tension, concentration difficulties
R/ship Stressor & Stress Stressor -- Stress response -- Stress result
COPING Process of managing taxing circumstances Protective function Problem solving efforts Changing cognitive & behavioral efforts - Interchangeably with concept – mastery, defense, adaption
Measuring Stress Stress can be measured in term of: Major life events - death, illness, divorce, failed, fired from job b. Daily life events - Too many things to do, too many interruptions, troublesome neighbors, noise, pollution
Stress result Consequences resulted form continuous stress over a prolonged period of time Breakdown of physical & mental health state Exp: Ulcer & Burn out