Rockin’ Into Kindergarten ABCs of Kindergarten
A- Attendance- Please send a note to school explaining your child’s A- Attendance- Please send a note to school explaining your child’s absence. Please refer to “Attendance Protocol” guidelines concerning multiple absences. Allergies- Your child needs a care plan before school starts. Please contact Nurse Milton B- Behavior Management- “Stoplight” behavior chart in our classroom: Birthdays- Special treats at lunchtime. Behavior Chart- will be sent home daily in buddy folder and needs to be initialed and returned each day. Blogs Backpacks C- Clinic- the Clinic nurse is on duty from 8- 3:30 Conferences
D-Dismissal- Any changes need to be written and in your child’s D-Dismissal- Any changes need to be written and in your child’s take home folder. They can NOT be emailed. All changes need to be made before 2:00! Daily Schedule-Changes may occur. E-Envelopes-Money and notes always need to be labeled. F- Fridays are always wear your Mountain View shirt day. G-Guests-Must register in the office and get a visitor sticker. Good-Bye- The first week you may walk them to the door of the classroom and we will help them unpack. H- Healthy Snack daily- Extra snacks and treats always welcomed! Please do not pack snacks in your child’s lunchbox. I-Identify all belongings-Label book bags, lunch boxes, etc.
J-Journals- daily writing for all students. K-Kindergarten is Cool!!! L- Library-We will visit the library weekly to check out books. Lunch-Please join us except on early release days or other special days. Kindergarten always eats lunch first, be prepared for an early lunch! M- Medicine-Will be in the clinic and given by the nurse. N- Notes should always be placed in your child’s take home folder. Please DO NOT rely on email! O-Organized- I try to be! P- Parties- Only one party per year is permitted. PTA- please join. Packing/Unpacking Backpack Q- Questions- please keep them for the end R-Read at home! Report cards-Sent home every nine weeks Routine Important for young children. Rest towel-Small towel and will be sent home on Fridays for washing.
R-Read at home! Report cards-Sent home every nine weeks Routine Important for young children. Rest towel-Small towel and will be sent home on Fridays for washing. S-Sight Words Snacks- one sent daily, no drinks please, except for water. Please make sure it is a HEALTHY snack. Please be sure it is not packed in your child’s lunchbox. Science Lab! Mrs. Campbell T-THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!!! Transportation Towels U- Unique- We recognize each child as a unique individual. V- Volunteers- Please check with PTA and the Foundations, they are always looking for volunteers! W- Wish List- Optional and see board. Water Bottles welcome-be sure that they have a sports top so that we don’t have spills. Website
X- eXtra special- that’s what each child is to. Me. Y- You X- eXtra special- that’s what each child is to Me! Y- You! You are special too! Please be a partner in your child’s education. Z-Zaner-Bloser- handwriting program Zoom…. We’re on our way to a great year in kindergarten! Thank you for joining us today! We can’t wait for a new school year and getting to know each and every one of you! The Kindergarten Team