Julie Dubeau BILC Secretary COPENHAGEN 4-8 Oct 2009 BILC Update Julie Dubeau BILC Secretary COPENHAGEN 4-8 Oct 2009
BILC NATO’s consultative and advisory body for language training and testing issues 43 years young! Conference in Spring (next: Istanbul, Turkey) Professional Seminar in Fall (next: Sofia, Bulgaria) Responsible for STANAG 6001 (now in Ed. 3) On-going Activities: Language Testing Seminars (LTS & ALTS) Assistance to National Testing Programmes Benchmark Advisory Test Language Training Assessments
Update-CE Posts Language Needs Analysis Nov 08 Meeting – NTG / Mil Committee – BILC was asked to undertake preliminary review of linguistic requirements of NATO CE Posts. Process began at BILC in Rome Develop method, tailored criteria and normed ourselves Analysed approx 600 JDs from 6 commands (ISAF) Continued work via email Report due end of Nov
Level 4 Testing National testing centres do not have the resources to conduct such testing How often Level 4 is really required is questionable. Should national teams have to spend all the time and effort needed to develop these tests?
Caveat Emptor! STANAG tests developed by private companies with no experts (STANAG or testing) Equivalencies from national SLP to commercial test results? STANAG 6001 for sale?
Coming up CM at JSSG next week in Stockholm Study Group Reports Results of Discussions in SC NTG JSSG Meeting- Reporting Report on BAT, Report on LNA Work on BILC website We welcome content pages! BILC to continue assistance visits
Website is http://www.bilc.forces.gc.ca Enjoy the Seminar! Julie.Dubeau@forces.gc.ca Website is http://www.bilc.forces.gc.ca Secretariat email address: BILC@forces.gc.ca