Stages of a River
A. Youthful River Usually on a steep gradient Its sides and channel are steep, straight, & deep Has very few tributaries Fast rapids and/or waterfalls
Youthful River
B. Early Mature River V-Shaped Valley Beginning of a flood plain Has many tributaries Sharp divides between drainage basins
Early Mature River
C. Late Mature River Flat bottom valley Narrow flood plain Sediment build up Divides round off River begins to meander
Late Mature River
Late Mature River
D. Old Age River Valley is worn down to nearly flat Resistant rocks remain Slow water flow and Oxbow lakes Meandering rivers and extremely wide flood plains
Old Age River
E. Rejuvenated River Upheaval of land can start the process all over again Stream valley takes on youthful characteristics but can keep some old features Can also happen at any point due to shifts in plate tectonics
Rejuvenated River