Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success David W. Bogart, CSP 3032 Shirley Street Eugene, OR 97404 Office Phone – 541-689-3155 Email: Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Objectives Talk a little bit about OR-OSHA Safety Committee requirements Learn what PDCA is Talk about PDCA as an effective Safety Management System (SMS) Give a little detail on each component End up challenging you Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success OR-OSHA Requirements Every business must have a safety committee A safety committee consists of members elected by the employer and the employees All safety committees must follow certain rules and guidelines Oregon Safety Committee Rules | In Oregon, every business must have a safety committee or hold safety meetings on a regular basis. The only exception to this rule is a business where the owner is the only employee in the business. A safety committee consists of members elected by the employer and the employees. All safety committees must follow certain rules and guidelines for effective operation. Read more: Oregon Safety Committee Rules | Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
OR-OSHA Safety Committees Must… Meet monthly Keep a record of each meeting for three years Establish procedures for conducting quarterly workplace safety and health inspections Establish incident investigation procedures that will identify and correct hazards. Establish a system for reporting hazards Establish a procedure for reviewing inspection reports Evaluate all incident investigations Make safety committee meeting minutes available Recommend ways to strengthen your business’s overall safety effort Meet monthly. (If your employees do mostly office work then your safety committee can meet quarterly.) You can conduct meetings with a conference call if necessary. • Keep a record of each meeting for three years. • Establish procedures for conducting quarterly workplace safety and health inspections. (Mobile and infrequently visited sites can be inspected less frequently.) • Work with you to establish accident investigation procedures that will identify and correct hazards. • Establish a system for employees to report hazards. • Establish a procedure for reviewing inspection reports. • Evaluate all accident and incident investigations. • Make safety committee meeting minutes available to all employees. • Recommend ways to strengthen your business’s overall safety effort Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Why do Safety Committees Fail? The people get frustrated. Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success What is PDCA? PDCA (plan–do–check–act ) An iterative four-step management method used in business for the control Continuous improvement of processes and products Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Four Components Company Safety Policy Document Correction and components Risk Management Legal requirements PLAN Establish the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance with the expected output (the target or goals). By establishing output expectations, the completeness and accuracy of the specification is also a part of the targeted improvement. When possible start on a small scale to test possible effects. Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Company Safety Policy Document Corrections and Components Gives Responsibility Shows Basis Outlines Duties Shows Coverage Gives order to the system Shows how a process is updated Gives a schedule for review Company Safety Policy In this item we look to see if the company safety policy is. Has it been updated with the current site manager? Has it been reviewed? Is it communicated ti the employee population? Does it adequately reflect the sites position on Safety? Is it posted? The safety committee is in the best position to tell these and other things about the safety policy. But most importantly is it written down? You will see this in every section; if it is not written down, it will not happen. Document Correction and Components In this section the site tells the format for a document, its components, how a new document becomes a procedure, how often a document is reviewed, and what the system looks like. It is critical that the safety Committee has a role in determining this. Risk Management In this section the site tells how company handles Risk Management. How do they plan jobs, what is and is not allowed for outside activities and how the site handles risk management. Without these ground rules it impossible to manage safety. Legal Requirements The final section of the Plan component is legal Requirements. It is to late to determine how you are going to handle legal issues if you wait for them to happen. Who do you call? When do you call? What types of information do you give to them? With no direction two people with good intension could go two different ways. A company Safety Policy Select the problem to be analyzed Clearly define the problem and establish a precise problem statement Set a measurable goal for the problem solving effort Establish a process for coordinating with and gaining approval of leadership Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Risk Management Legal Requirements How company handles Risk Management. How do they plan jobs, What is and is not allowed for outside activities External Activities Project Review Risk Assessment Determine how you are going to handle legal issues Who do you call? When do you call? What types of information do you give to them? With no direction two people with good intension could go two different ways. Risk Management - Identify the processes that impact the problem and select one List the steps in the process as it currently exists Map the Process Validate the map of the process Identify potential cause of the problem Legal requirements Collect and analyze data related to the problem Verify or revise the original problem statement Identify root causes of the problem Company Safety Policy In this item we look to see if the company safety policy is. Has it been updated with the current site manager? Has it been reviewed? Is it communicated ti the employee population? Does it adequately reflect the sites position on Safety? Is it posted? The safety committee is in the best position to tell these and other things about the safety policy. But most importantly is it written down? You will see this in every section; if it is not written down, it will not happen. Document Correction and Components In this section the site tells the format for a document, its components, how a new document becomes a procedure, how often a document is reviewed, and what the system looks like. It is critical that the safety Committee has a role in determining this. Risk Management In this section the site tells how company handles Risk Management. How do they plan jobs, what is and is not allowed for outside activities and how the site handles risk management. Without these ground rules it impossible to manage safety. Legal Requirements The final section of the Plan component is legal Requirements. It is to late to determine how you are going to handle legal issues if you wait for them to happen. Who do you call? When do you call? What types of information do you give to them? With no direction two people with good intension could go two different ways. Collect additional data if needed to verify root causes Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Six Components Safety Procedures Occupational Health Training Purchasing Communication Consultation Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Safety Procedures Occupational Health Safety Procedures Confined Spaces LOTO Working at Heights Electrical Safety And so on… Establish company guidelines Establish procedures How deal with health exposures DO Implement the plan, execute the process, make the product. Collect data for charting and analysis in the following "CHECK" and "ACT" steps Establish criteria for selecting a solution Generate potential solutions that will address the root causes of the problem Select a solution Gain approval and supporter the chosen solution Plan the solution Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Training Purchasing What training is done What is the schedule What do we do for new employees How do you deal with new requirements The supply of safety equipment Selecting contractors Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Communication Consultation How do you communicate safety related material Outlines things that the site does How do you handle outsiders Who are the expected consultants and who handes them Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Five Components Inspection Testing Auditing Incident Reporting Corrective Action Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Inspection Testing How often What What are done with the resulst What tests will be done Frequency Schedule CHECK Gather data on the solution Analyze the data on the solution Study the actual results (measured and collected in "DO" above) and compare against the expected results (targets or goals from the "PLAN") to ascertain any differences. Look for deviation in implementation from the plan and also look for the appropriateness/completeness of the plan to enable the execution i.e.,"Do". Charting data can make this much easier to see trends over several PDCA cycles and in order to convert the collected data into information. Information is what you need for the next step "ACT". Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Auditing Incident Reporting How will the safety system be checked Who conducts the audits What incidents to repore Difference between incidents and Near-misses How the site uses the statistics What to report Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Corrective Action What is done to correct a finding What is the procedure What is the form to use What needs to be reported Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Three Components Safety Measures Safety Goals and Objectives Safety Review Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Safety Measures Safety Goals and Objectives What is to be reported Where to be reported What is reported Tells how to measure safety Tells how to measure the Safety Committee Does it meet the site goals Form to be followed ACT Identify systemic changes and training needs for full implementation Adopt the solution Plan ongoing monitoring of the solution Continue to look for incremental improvements to refine the solution Look for another improvement opportunity Request corrective actions on significant differences between actual and planned results. Analyze the differences to determine their root causes. Determine where to apply changes that will include improvement of the process or product. When a pass through these four steps does not result in the need to improve, the scope to which PDCA is applied may be refined to plan and improve with more detail in the next iteration of the cycle, or attention needs to be placed in a different stage of the process. Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Safety Review How is the safety system reviewed What is looked at How effective is the system Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
OR-OSHA Safety Committees Bring workers and management together Assist you in making continuous improvement PDCA is one system Bring workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health. Assist you in making continuous improvement to your safety and health programs If you want to make continuous improvements in you safety process that use PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success OR-OSHA Components All of the safety committee components are all included in PCDA The PDCA approach becomes a living document It involves everyone The PDCA system is solid Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Experience is the Best Teacher I have worked for insurance companies, run safety processes, worked for fortune 500 companies and set up PDCA systems as a consultant I have been in safety since 1972 and a member of the ASSE since 1981 I am here to help; use me Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success
Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success Questions? Plan-Do-Check-Act the Key to Safety Success