The Desirability of Control Theories of Personality Spring, 2010 Class results
Desire for Control Scores and Number of Children in Family
Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Desire for Control .00 8 . 2.00 8 . 58 2.00 9 . 34 4.00 9 . 5668 7.00 10 . 1222334 3.00 10 . 699 5.00 11 . 00112 2.00 11 . 79 1.00 12 . 4 Stem width: 10.00 Each leaf: 1 case(s)
Stem-and-Leaf Plot: Number of Children 5.00 1 . 00000 4.00 2 . 0000 9.00 3 . 000000000 3.00 4 . 000 3.00 5 . 000 1.00 6 . 0 1.00 Extremes (>=10.0)
Birth Rank and Birth Group
Correlations: Desire for Control, Birth Rank, and Number of Children
ANOVA: Birth Group and Desire for Control
Means Plot