Burns/Dudley/Marrero Oct 22-26, 2018 ELA: All Classes will continue reading the novel, Number the Stars. This novel takes place in 1943 when Germany occupies Denmark. Jewish people aren’t safe, and many Danes, or people from Denmark, risk their lives helping the Jews hide or escape to Sweden. 2nd Nine Week Language Skills: correlative conjunctions, reference materials (print and digital), synonyms/antonyms/homophones, comma rules for introductory elements, yes/no, tag questions, and direct address Writing Focus: Informational SCHEDULE: RED RIBBON WEEK: MONDAY: Super Hero Shirts with uniform bottoms TUESDAY: Favorite team shirt with uniform bottoms WEDNESDAY: Red shirts with uniform bottoms/Mid Unit 3 Test THURSDAY: Neon shirts with uniform bottoms; sunglasses FRIDAY: Spirit Day; KONA ICE *Canned food drive this week *Remember to send in candy for Halloween Goody Bags Math: We will continue to practice multiplying decimals this week. Students will take the Mid Unit 3 test on Wednesday, October 24th. On Thursday, we will begin dividing decimals using models. **Students may bring their own devices to school on Tuesday, October 23rd for a review activity. In order to complete the activity, students must have a QR code reader which can be downloaded for free. If your child does not bring a device, we will have a chromebook for him or her to use. SCIENCE: We are continuing to learn about earth’s landforms including constructive and destructive processes. Students has flashcards to review. A study guide will be send home this week. SS: We are continuing to earn about the Great Depression and the New Deal. This week we will focus on programs implemented during the New Deal as well as the difference between Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt.