Practicum II EDUC 4855
Practicum Reminders Two practicum blocks (5 weeks & 6 weeks) Same school board all year Same school/different school Different associate teacher
Placement Requirements in Year 2 Primary/Junior Primary (gr. JK-3) Junior (gr. 4-6) Junior/Intermediate Intermediate (gr. 7-10) all subjects Intermediate/Senior Senior (gr. 11-12) in teaching subject(s) Primary/Junior Will be assigned to a primary and a junior *Give example. Junior/Intermediate Will be assigned to a junior and an intermediate Most likely the intermediate placement will be a grade 7/8 Students are expected to teach all subjects at the gr. 7/8 level and not just their teaching subjects At the gr. 9/10 level, students would be placed only in their teaching subject. These placements are very difficulty to find. Intermediate/Senior Some I/S students will have placements in both teaching subjects Many will be placed in a gr. 9-12 in one of their teaching subjects and the other placement will be in a grade 7/8 At the grade 7/8 level students are expected to teach all subjects, not just their teaching subjects
Placement Changes Notify the Practicum Office IMMEDIATELY if your placement is different than what is posted on WebAdvisor We need exact grade(s) and subject(s) Report associate teacher changes/additions right away WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? So that your associate teacher can access your reports So that your reports are accurate So that you can be recommended to the OCT
Faculty Advisors (FA) FA information available on WebAdvisor On campus meeting – October 2nd (details will be posted to Blackboard) All candidates will be evaluated at least once in the fall Faculty Advisor Report Sample (Practicum Handbook, p. 34-36) Stay in touch Respond to emails promptly Ask for help
Practicum II Handbook & Binder Have you purchased your Practicum II Handbook? Out with the old and in with the new Keep year one documents in a separate file/binder Your Faculty Advisor may want to see a few lesson plans from year one (particularly if you have a different FA) Ensure that your lesson plans are printed out and filed in the Practicum Binder The Practice Teaching Handbook is your course outline for Observation and Practice Teaching. You are strongly encouraged to read it, remember it and refer to it often. Your faculty advisor has been given a copy and will expect you to be familiar with what’s inside. A copy of the PT Handbook was also included in the package you gave to your associate teacher – don’t let them know more than you do about practicum expectations. If you have questions related to placement, the answers can most likely be found in the PT Handbook. If you are unsuccessful in placement, you can not say “I didn’t know!” Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse. it is your responsibility to be aware of the expectations for practicum.
Practicum Expectations Overall Expectations (p. 3-, Practicum II Handbook) Full lesson planning until the final week (week of Nov. 5th) Provide lesson plans to AT prior to each lesson Complete reflections for each lesson taught The bar has risen and more is expected of you this year
Absence from Practicum Policy for reporting absences Extended absences Snow days Deferral ***Failure to report absences as outlined could result in your removal from placement!***
Need Support? Reach out! Practicum Office & Faculty Advisor Student Accessibility Services - 705-474-3450 ext. 4362 - Good2Talk - 1-866-925-5454 - free, professional & anonymous support for students in Ontario - counselling for anything you want to talk about (mental health, addictions, relationships, financial stress, etc.) - Available 24/7/365
Housekeeping Associate Teacher Information Email will be sent before October placement Health & Safety Training (MOL, Making Headway, Board Training) Take your ORIGINAL PVSC with you to placement (we don’t need to see the original) Practicum ID Bring your original PBC (unless you are assigned to Upper Grand or Peel) - You may not be asked for it, but I would encourage you to offer to show it to your principal anyway If you have not already done so, please have your Work/Education Placement Agreement form signed by your principal on the first day back to placement and fax it or scan it to the PT Office. For your protection, if you have an accident or are injured while on placement, please contact me right away. I have paperwork that needs to be filled out and submitted within 72 hours of the accident. We need to ensure that you are properly cared for and covered in the event of injury. Check to see if your AT has had an opportunity to look over the package since you’ve been gone. There are several steps they need to take in order to gain access to your evaluation and to receive their honourarium. If they have questions about anything in the package, please ask them to contact the PT Office and we will be happy to assist them. Continue to check your email regularly throughout placement for important information. Your faculty advisor has your email address and may email you. If you do not respond in a timely fashion, you may be in for a surprise check up! FAs get very cranky when they can’t reach you! Please familiarize yourself with the Absence Policy on page 10 of the PT Handbook. If you know you are going to be away for a medical appointment or religious observance, please let your AT know in advance so necessary arrangements can be made. If you become sick unexpectedly, make sure to contact your associate teacher or school office first thing. When you are absent you are still responsible for providing lesson plans and resources for any instructional time that you would have been responsible for that day. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to get it to your associate teacher! Don’t forget to let the PT Office and your advisor know if you are going to be absent. If you are absent for 3 or more consecutive days, documentation will be required. If there is a PD Day and your principal and/or associate teacher asks you to go, then go! It is not a day off for you. You are not a supply teacher, you are a teacher candidate. Do not get left alone with students while your AT steps out. We know this occurs, but try your best to avoid it and explain to your AT that we have strict policies against teacher candidates being left unsupervised. If it continues, please contact your FA for advice. Be professional! These kids are watching everything you’re doing and are going to go home and tell their parents about you. I do not want to get a phone-call from a principal telling me: that you cursed in front of a student that you were overheard bad-mouthing your associate or another teacher at the school that you were wearing a skirt so short it left nothing to the imagination You are a teacher candidate from the Schulich School of Education , so please act like one!
Community Leadership Experience Found a Placement? Now What? If unsure, check with Sandra to ensure placement meets criteria Complete the Placement Information form and return to the office Due Friday, November 23, 2018 Requested placement with a School Board? I have made additional requests No positive response by September 28? Not a volunteer position! Please refer to your professional goals as indicated on your Declaration form back in April
Community Leadership Experience Still looking? Be persistent, promote your skills, make follow-up calls/emails Be clear as to the purpose of the placement Provide letter and Fact Sheet to potential organization (on Website Do not leave it to the last minute Not a volunteer position!
Community Leadership Experience Handbook- read, review, refresh Placement Information Form – due November 23, 2018 New placement opportunities – will now be posted to Blackboard If you have not started to look, get looking!!! Placement in school boards Need help? Indicate on your placement form if you plan on starting your hours before February 25, 2019 Reminder too that your placement cannot be with Nipissing University in any way. So no sports teams, labs, peer tutoring programs etc…