Transition Year Information
TY Core Subjects English Irish 3 classes per week Maths PE 2 classes per week Languages Mindfulness 1 class per week Religion
TY Subject Sampling Business/Accounting/Economics Home Economics Art 2 class periods per week -1/3 of the year each Business/Accounting/Economics Home Economics Art Biology/Agricultural Science Physics/Chemistry Geography/History Music 2 class periods per week – full year 2 class periods per week - ½ a year each 1 class period per week
Work Experience Work Experience will consist of: 3 one week blocks November – February - April You will source your own work experience Work experience should be relevant to the career you are interested in doing You will be asked to keep a journal of your experience and complete a Work Experience Diary of each placement
TY Modules Gaisce Community/Enterprise Coding/Digital Media/School Magazine School Improvement/Driver Education Performance & Culture Young Scientist/Green Schools GAA Future Leader Programme
GAA Future Leaders Modules Future Leaders FMS & Coaching of Hurling/Football Module Future Leaders Refereeing Module Future Leaders Administration Module Future Leaders Sports Journalism Module Future Leaders Performance Analysis Module Future Leaders Nutrition Module Future Leaders Wellness Module Future Leaders Event Management Module Pupils will receive a GAA Certificate for each completed module.
Gaisce Gaisce – The President’s Award is a self-development programme that encourages students to find their passion, get active and make a difference in their community There are three levels of Gaisce – Bronze, Silver and Gold. To earn this award at Bronze level each participant must complete a challenge in the following 4 areas Physical recreation Community involvement Personal skill Adventure activity Activity e.g. Canoeing/Kayaking e.g. First aid course To be decided by each participant e.g. playing a muscical instrument 2 day hike overnight camp April/May Time requirement 1 hour/week for 13 weeks 1 hour/week for 26 weeks 2 days overnight camp Students receive certification from I.C.U. Students receive certification in Heartsaver CPR AED
Business/ Accounting/Economics English Mindfulness Physics/ Chemistry Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9.00 TY Info Business/ Accounting/Economics English Mindfulness Physics/ Chemistry 9.40 Gaisce Enterprise/Community History Maths Art 10.20 Irish Music 11.00 11.10 Physical Education Religion Business/ Accounting/Economics 11.50 Culture & Performance Languages Sch. Improve./ Driver Education 12.30 13.20 Home Economics Geography 14.00 Biology/Ag. Science 14.40 Young Scientist/ Green Schools Future Leaders 15.20 Physics/Chemistry Coding/Digital Media/ School Magazine Core Subject Sampling Modules
Calendar Events Team Building Ploughing Championship Mock Trial Young Scientist Exhibition Mallow Driving School Microsoft Careers Day Farm Walk Listowel Food Fair Killarney Musical Society Show Pallaskenry Agricultural College Kerry County Enterprise Awards Tralee Bay Wetlands
Ploughing Championship Calendar Events September October Seefin Careers Day Microsoft Fun Run Ploughing Championship Farm Walk
November December Astellas School Show Palaskenry Mallow Driving School Listowel Food Fair Carol Singing Work Experience Tralee Bay Wetlands
Mindfulness - "Aloha House" Green Schools Expo/Art Gallery January February Young Scientist Work Experience BOI Bond Trader School Tour Mindfulness - "Aloha House" Green Schools Expo/Art Gallery Balance Expo Muckross House & Farm
March April May Kerry County Enterprise Awards Mock Trial Fashion Show Killarney Musical Society National Spring Clean Scifest St. Patricks Day Parade Work Experience Sol y Sombra
Assessment - Criteria Assessment Details Credits Awarded Attendance + Punctuality 90% min 20 Core Subjects 10 Credits per subject 70 Subject Sampling Layer 120 TY Modules 10 Credits per module Work Experience Attendance, Diary/Evaluation, Employer’s Report 50 Extra-Curricular Participation Portfolio Presentation, Content 100 Total 500
The Purpose of Transition Year Maturity Responsibility Accountability Trust Participation
Feedback from 30,000 students in 560 schools Opportunity to mature – TY can really give you the time, space and environment to mature and grow, which can be really helpful for the following two years where maturity is definitely essential to success Boosts self-confidence. Chances are you will find yourself having to deal with people more in TY, whether it is through community work, work experience or public speaking which will do wonders for your confidence if you give it half a chance. You get an extra year to choose subjects for your Leaving Cert It's amazing how an extra year can allow you to get a much clearer view on what you want to do for your Leaving Cert subjects wise, and also you will have your Junior Cert results to hand should you do TY, which may or may not be important to you when you are choosing your subjects. ; ‘Who knows what you want to be at 14? Different opportunities – many opportunities may present themselves in TY that may not have arisen had you gone straight to fifth year. Gaisce and Future Leaders would be examples of this You get an opportunity to try out Careers which will be very beneficial and advantageous when it comes to picking subjects for the Leaving Certificate. It will also help you get an idea of what you would like to do after school Get to know new people – It sound like a bit of a cliché that you hear from teachers all the time, but TY really does help you expand your circle of friend through working with them on projects, staying in a room with them on overnight trips and being mixed into new classes with them. Trips – you get the opportunity to go on many fun trips in TY such as Project work – a lot of the work in Transition year is project based. This is very good preparation for college and the adult working life.
Entry to Transition Year 24 students Application Process Application Form and Personal Statement Professional Advice & Judgement of teachers Student Record Interview
The application process Application Form Personal Statement research about T.Y. why you want a place in T.Y. your commitment to enter into the T.Y. spirit. Signed by their parent(s)/guardian(s). YOU must complete this Application Form. We will look at your: The opinions of the teachers Your school record We will also interview you to determine if you are suitable for T.Y.
Getting involved The key to T.Y. is PARTICIPATION!! Build a Bank Gaisce Log on, Learn Musical – on stage or production Online Magazine Primary Schools Fun Run Young Scientists Exhibition...