WLTP Validation2 for RLD ~ Validation test plan by Japan ~


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Presentation transcript:

WLTP Validation2 for RLD ~ Validation test plan by Japan ~ WLTP-DTP-LabProcICE-165 WLTP Validation2 for RLD ~ Validation test plan by Japan ~ Revised: 2012/November/7 Japan 1

on ROAD on DYNO Purpose Seeking [Appropriate warming up condition] Warming up speed Speed adjustment (Engine brake) Cruising speed for split runs on DYNO Seeking [Similar warmed up condition] Speed up condition (by vehicle or by CHDY rollar) Number of replication of coasting down Check [Emission & CO2 impact] 1st-3rd coast down average, conventional, and 9th coast down.

Schedule & Test Vehicle Test item RL measurement on road Vehicle warming up speed RL setting on dyno. Speed up condition at coasting down Dyno. setting method by coast down Impacts on emission and fuel consumption Schedule Proving ground: 4 days (11/16-18, 11/21-23) Chassis dynamometer : 10 days (11/26-12/7) Test vehicle: 2 vehicles Smaller: 2.0 Litter, Sedan, FF, AT, w/o ATF warmer Bigger: 3.5 Litter, Van, FF, AT JARI proving ground Length:5,500 m × Width 12 m Length of straight:1,112 m×2 Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. RL measurement Dyno setting WLTP meeting Planning Prepare Test Analysis Test Analysis ICE DTP/DHC ICE DTP/DHC 3

Test matrix - on ROAD - Seeking the condition to obtain stable coast down time. Condition Split Warming up condition (cruising speed) speed adjusting Dire-ction No. of coast down Phase 1 (145-105 kph) Phase 2 (105 - 65 kph) Phase 3 (65 - 25 kph) Phase 4 (45 - 5 kph) Ideal No 155 km/h - Two-way 1 gtr proposal Yes (until stabilized) Coasting One way at least 3 2 Saved time Engine brakes 3 Max. Ref. speed 135 km/h (until stabilized) Accelerate to 155 km/h & Coasting 4 realistic 120km/h (until stabilized)   120km/h (until stabilized) 5 2/3 of gtr proposal 100 km/h (until stabilized 6 1/2 of gtr proposal 75 km/h 7 1/3 of gtr proposal 55 km/h (until stabilized) 8 As straight track Accelerate   ‘**) warming up will be conducted until the vehicle become stabilized (go-around: 1~3 times or 5 min. ) 4

Speed adjustment method proving ground Coasting down ②Engine brake ③Acceleration & Coasting ①Coasting Warming up / preconditioning (until stabilized: go-around approx. 3 times or 5 min.) 5

Confirm how much difference is there between each warming up condition Image of test result warming up speed: 75km/h warming up speed: 120km/h Road load (N) warming up speed: 155 km/h Speed adjusting: Engine brake warming up speed: 55km/h warming up speed 155 km/h Speed adjusting: coasting down Speed (km/h) Confirm how much difference is there between each warming up condition (Road load, T/M oil Temperature etc) 6

Descriptions for warming up condition (Annex4, 14.10.2012) Definitions were changed 2.6. Reference speed A vehicle speed at which a chassis dynamometer load is verified. Reference speeds may be continuous speed points covering the complete cycle speed range. => Reference speed: 0 ~ 131.3km/h (=> 0 ~ 135 km/h) 2.15. Speed range Range of speed of chassis dynamometer roller between the maximum speed of the WLTC cycle corresponding to the test vehicle class plus 10 km/h and minimum reference speed of 20 km/h minus 5 km/h, over which the coastdown test is conducted. => Speed range: 141.3 ~ 15 km/h (=> 145 ~ 15 km/h) 4.2.5. Warming up is done by vehicle driving only. Driving shall be cruising and speed limit is 10 km/h above the coastdown starting speed. In the split coasting down, the same condition is applied. => Cruising speed: Coastdown starting speed + 10km/h => In the split coasting down, the same condition is applied The coastdown time corresponding to the speed Vj as the elapsed time from the vehicle speed (Vj + ΔV) to (Vj - ΔV) shall be measured. It is recommended that ΔV be 10 km/h when the vehicle speed is more than 60 km/h, and 5 km/h when the vehicle speed is 60 km/h or less. => ΔV: >60km/h ±10km/h, <=60km/h ±5km/h Selection of speed points for road load curve determination In order to obtain a road load curve as a function of vehicle speed, a minimum of four speed points, Vj (j = 1, 2, etc.) shall be selected. The highest speed point shall not be lower than the highest reference speed, and the lowest speed point shall not be higher than the lowest reference speed. The interval between each speed point shall not be greater than 20 km/h. => Max. speed point: >=131.3 (135) km/h, Min. speed point: <=20km/h ⇒ Speed points = at least 4 points, interval <= 20km/h

Warming up speed and Speed points for CL3 vehicles Road load (N) Vmax 131.3 Warming up speed 155 speed points 20 30 40 50 60 75 95 115 135 15 25 35 45 55 65 85 105 125 145 Vehicle speed (km/h) The highest coastdown starting speed of CL3 For Class 3 vehicle, Warming up speed = 155km/h 9 speed points: 135,115,95,75,60,50,40,30,20 km/h)

Warming up speed in each vehicle class Vmax<70kph Vmax<90kph Vmax<120kph Vmax<135 135<=Vmax Class 3 CL3 ver5.1 L~H Vmax of test cycle:97.4 kph Vcoastdown:110 kph Vwarming_up:120 kph CL3 ver.5 L~H Vmax of test cycle :97.4 kph Vcoastdown: 110 kph Vwarming_up :120 kph CL3 ver.5 L~ExH Vmax of test cycle :131.3 kph Vcoastdown :145 kph Vwarming_up :155 kph Class 2 CL2 ver.2 L~M Vmax of test cycle :74.7 kph Vcoastdown :85 kph Vwarming_up :95 kph CL2 ver.2 L~H Vmax of test cycle :85.2 kph Vcoastdown :100 kph Vwarming_up :110 kph CL2 ver.2 L~ExH Vmax of test cycle :123.1 kph Vcoastdown :135 kph Vwarming_up :145 kph Class 1 CL1 ver.2 L Vmax of test cycle :49.1 kph Vcoastdown :55 kph Vwarming_up :65 kph CL1 ver.2 L~M Vmax of test cycle :64.4 kph Vcoastdown :75 kph Vwarming_up :85 kph

Test matrix - on DYNO - Seeking [Similar warmed up condition] Seeking similar warmed up condition as ‘on Road’ Condition Split Warming up condition (cruising speed) Way for speed up No. of repetition of coast-down Phase 1 (145-105 kph) Phase 2 (105 - 65 kph) Phase 3 (65 - 25 kph) Phase 4 (45 - 5 kph) 1 same as RL measurement No 155 km/h * 30 min. (trouble on cooling fan, tire, tail end connection ???) by roller 9 times (Max. coasting down number on Vilification mode for our facility) - 2 The highest reference speed 135 km/h * 30 min. (gtr proposal) 3 by vehicle 4 120 km/h * 30 min. 5 6 100 km/h * 30 min. 7 75 km/h * 30 min 8 55 km/h * 30 min 9 10

Comparison of Dyno. setting method 3-run averaging method Coast down 1st Coast down 2nd Coast down 3rd Coast down 9th Warming up condition 155 km/h 132 km/h 115 km/h 75 km/h 55 km/h Initial load Ad = 0.5*At, Bd = 0.2*Bt, Cd = Ct In coast down without absorption method, the total friction loss is calculated by the average of 3 coast down times We will set the initial load (Reference) In SAE J2264, tentative load is set. And dyno set value is adjusted by each coast down. 11

Speed up condition at coasting down Objective Evaluate effects of vehicle speed up method in dyno. setting. Background It is expected that a mechanical friction and/or temperature will be different in the case of the speed up is operated by vehicle self or by Chassis dynamometer. If coast down is repeated over and over, the difference of friction or temperature will be appeared. Measurement parameter Vehicle speed, coasting time, Temperature (engine oil, transmission oil, tire, roller surface, ambient air) Image of result Speed Temp. coasting time will be longer Time 12

Descriptions for warming up condition on RL setting 6.3.4. Vehicle preconditioning The power-absorption unit of the chassis dynamometer shall be set as specified in or, so that an adequate load will be applied to the test vehicle during preconditioning. Prior to the test, the vehicle shall be preconditioned appropriately until normal vehicle operating temperatures have been reached. This condition is deemed to be fulfilled when three consecutive coastdowns are completed within the given tolerance of Annex/chapter XXX. The dynamometer load for the vehicle warm-up shall be set as described in During this preconditioning period, the vehicle speed shall not exceed the highest reference speed. The highest reference speed = WLTC max. speed = 131.3 km/h (or round up to 135km/h)

Comparison of Dyno. setting method Objective Evaluate effects of dyno. setting methods by coast-down Background There are 3 methods for dyno. setting by coast-down method in draft gtr. Japan is interested in the evaluation of “ Coast down without absorption” method. 7.1 Chassis-dynamometer setting by coast down method Mortaring method Coast down without absorption Coast down with zero chassis dynamometer absorption at least three times, Then the total friction loss is calculated. It is necessary to compare the current coast down method to new method. Measurement parameter Vehicle speed, coasting time, Temperature (engine oil, transmission oil, tire, roller surface, ambient air) 14

Test matrix - on DYNO - Check [Emission & CO2 impact] Evaluate the effects of dyno. setting method on Emission and Fuel consumption Test cycle: WLTC ver.5 Target RL Warming up RL setting Test cycle Number of test gtr 155km/h Coasting 135km/h * 30 min 3-run average WLTC Cold 1 WLTC Hot 3 Based on 9th times coastdown Worst 15

Appendix) RL setting for dyno. Set Initial RL Warming up: XXX km/h×30 min. Coastdown×9 times speed up by roller or by vehicle drive Calculate the difference to target RL add the difference to initial RL (3-run average, 9th coastdown) *) DO not vilification sequence

Appendix) warming up for split run 155km/h within 1 min measurement