SERFDOM In 1800 90% of Russians depended on agriculture to make a living 80% of these people were serfs System was morally wrong and economically backward
Czar Alexander I An autocrat Contemplated freeing the serfs Died in 1825…peaceful reform died with him
THE DECEMBRIST REVOLT “Constantine and the Constitution”
NICHOLAS I 1825-1855 Resisted change Crushed uprisings Limited education Created secret police Fought Crimean War
ALEXANDER II 1855-1881 Accepted need for reform March 3, 1861: freed the serfs Gave citizens more rights Expanded education Set up zemstvos
FREEING THE SERFS Half of land kept by nobles Half parceled out to serfs Land became community property Each peasant community called a mir Mir owned land, worked land and paid taxes Peasants were tied to the mir Debt to nobles would not be paid off for 60 years
UNREST Peasant riots Censorship Secret societies Nihilism narodniki
Alexander III and his family
NICHOLAS II 1894-1917
Czar Nicholas II 1894-1917 wrong man…wrong place…wrong time
Czarina Alexandra Feodorovna…”Sunny”…grandaughter of Queen Victoria…and carrier of hemophilia
Nicholas and Alexandra
Hemophilia Genetic disorder Passed from the mother to her son Blood lacks the clotting factor Painful bleeding into joints Life-threatening
rasputin A “starets” Won Alexandra’s support since he could “heal” Alexei Helped destroy the Romanov dynasty
How most Russians viewed Rasputin
March, 1917
Ipatiev House, Ekaterinberg July 1918