Objective: To examine the major effects of the Erie Canal. Do Now: What two bodies of water were linked by the Ohio and Erie Canal?
Video: The Erie Canal (4:46) A man steers two mules pulling a boat along the Erie Canal. In the early days of the canal this was how all boats traveled through the canal.
How a Lock Works In the early days of the canal, when horses and mules walked the towpath, this is how a canal boat passed through a lock.
The Erie Canal · The Erie Canal stretches from the Hudson River to Lake Erie.
"Map showing Present and Proposed Canal System" -- from: Annual report of the State Engineer and Surveyor of the State of New York, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1903.
Low Bridge (audio link) By Thomas S. Allen I've got an old mule and her name is Sal Fifteen years on the Erie Canal She's a good old worker and a good old pal Fifteen years on the Erie Canal We've hauled some barges in our day Filled with lumber, coal, and hay And we know every inch of the way From Albany to Buffalo Chorus: Low bridge, everybody down Low bridge for we're coming to a town And you'll always know your neighbor And you'll always know your pal If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal
We'd better get along on our way, old gal Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal 'Cause you bet your life I'd never part with Sal Fifteen miles on the Erie Canal Git up there mule, here comes a lock We'll make Rome 'bout six o'clock One more trip and back we'll go Right back home to Buffalo (Chorus) Chorus: Low bridge, everybody down Low bridge for we're coming to a town And you'll always know your neighbor And you'll always know your pal If you've ever navigated on the Erie Canal
Don't have to call when I want my Sal, Fif-teen miles on the Er-ie can-al, She trots from her stall like a good old gal, Fif-teen miles on the Er-ie can-al, I eat my meals with Sal each day, I eat beef and she eats hay, And she ain't so slow if you want to know, She put the "Buff" in Buff-a-lo OH
Benefits of the Erie Canal 1 – It reduced travel time for shipping. 2 – It lowered the costs of shipping goods. 3 – New York City became a center of commerce. 4 – The economy of towns along the canal grew. * The success of the Erie Canal prompted other states to build canals.