I can learn from adversity Year 8 – Feeling good and being me I can learn from adversity © Leeds South and East CCG
Learning outcomes Knowledge Skills I understand the concept of resilience and can assess my own level of resilience I know about the concept of ‘bouncing back’ from difficult situations. I understand how to recognise and reduce risk, minimise harm and get help in emergency and risky situations I can identify an appropriate adult who I can turn to for support and explain why I have chosen them I can ask for help appropriately using phrases such as ‘what I would find helpful is…’ 2
How we will work together Can you remember the group agreement we have already talked about, let’s take a minute to think about them. Teacher notes Read these through with the children. Hopefully the group agreement will be displayed in the classroom already. 3
Let’s get started Take the quiz! Check in with your strengths What do you need to work on? Hand out the resiliency quiz to pupils. Encourage students to use a gut feeling quick answer approach - this is a short and snappy activity just to check in. As they complete it invite them to check in and notice which statements point to strengths and which are areas they could develop? 4
Resilience – what and why? Watch the clip. Encourage them to remember the answers / explanations that made most sense to them. https://youtu.be/4RzHx5rw0f4 ©YoungMinds Watch the video clip then move to the next slide 5
Resilience – what and why? With your partner come up with what your answer would be if you were being filmed for that video What is resilience? Why is it important? Share your thinking with your partner After playing the clip: encourage them to remember the answers / explanations that made most sense to them. When they have watched it they need to come up as a pair with their answers to the two questions - if they were being filmed for the Young Minds video what would their answer be? It might be an appropriate time to draw their attention to the Young Minds website as a source of support and help for their wellbeing. Some groups might want to be filmed on an iPad / device giving their answer and this is an additional option as you go around the room. 6
Watch, think, pair, share Pupils work their way through the instructions on the slide. Teacher to listen and observe pairs working to ensure pupils are on track and prompt as appropriate. https://youtu.be/1FDyiUEn8Vw © Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust Watch the video clip then move to the next slide 7
Watch, think, pair, share List the 5 things that help build resilience What small changes can you make in your life to do more of the 5 things? What would be the benefits? Find another pair and share your thinking Pupils work their way through the instructions on the slide. Teacher to listen and observe pairs working to ensure pupils are on track and prompt as appropriate. 8
Recognising risk Each group picks 1 situation. Situation 1: Discuss: What are the possible risks that you might face? What would you do to minimise risk? Who would you turn to in an emergency? Situation 1: Missing your bus home Situation 2: Meeting friends at the park Situation 3: Going into town at the weekend Situation 4: Playing an online game Put students in groupings that will work well. They should record their thinking. Allocate the situations to the groups. They should only work on 1 situation quite quickly and then share as a class. 9
Get help to bounce back Use the help sheet and create a quick guide to asking for help with images/symbols Include the golden phrase ‘What I would find most helpful is…’ If time allows use this activity. Distribute help sheet between pairs. This is from the Young Minds website. Encourage them to include the golden phrase where they need to think about what would help them and be active and not passive in finding a solution / some help. Check understanding as you go. 10
3-2-1 Choose 2 things you will do to build your resilience Write 3 things you know about resilience and bouncing back Choose 2 things you will do to build your resilience Draw 1 emoticon for how well you think you can ask for help If time allows use this activity. Distribute help sheet between pairs. This is from the Young Minds website. Encourage them to include the golden phrase where they need to think about what would help them and be active and not passive in finding a solution / some help. Check understanding as you go. 11
Taking the learning away Put 1 of your tips for building resilience into action 12
Want to know more or get help? www.mindmate.org.uk/ im-a-young-person www.childline.org.uk/ get-support Contact: Call, email or go online 13