LABOUR MARKET Market in which workers find paying wor k, employers find willing workers, and wage rates are determined.
IT IS A MARKET SO: Demand: number of workers companies need. Employer Supply: the people that want to work. Employee. Salary: is the price of the job.
KINDS OF PAID EMPLOYMENT Work for an EMPLOYER. It can be eeither the state (teacher in public school) or a private company (Coca Cola). Trabajador por cuenta ajena o asalariado. SELF-EMPLOYED WORKERS work for themselves. Autónomo.
AGREEMENT BETWEEN AGENTS. The agreement between the agents of the labour market its called COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. (Negociación colectiva) 2 agents: TRADE UNIONS (sindicatos): represent the workers, such us CCOO or UGT. CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS (Confederación de empresarios): represents the employers, such us CEOE.
CHARACTERISTICS OF CURRENT LABOUR MARKET UNEMPLOYMENT: UNEMPLOYENT RATE (Tasa de Paro): The percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. Today ACTIVE WORKERS (trabajadores en activo): people over 16 that are working or looking for a job. In Spain this information is given by EPA. Video about EPA
CHARACTERISTICS OF CURRENT LABOUR MARKET UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE (seguro de desempleo o paro): A government program where employable people, who are currently unemployed under no fault of their own, receive money while they search for a new job. Limits: 2 years 1 mounth of payment per 4 mounths worked. 175% of minimun wage