Acid Demon Acid Demon Acid Demon 2 reflex 2 hands 35 EP Physical Attacks Slime: Deals 15 damage, and the target is Infected. Burn: Deals 10 damage, and flip 2 coins. Deals 10 more damage for each heads. 1 reflex 1 hand 1 Poison Powerup 1 Fire Powerup Acid Demon 2 reflex 2 hands 35 EP Physical Attacks Slime: Deals 15 damage, and the target is Infected. Burn: Deals 10 damage, and flip 2 coins. Deals 10 more damage for each heads. 1 reflex 1 hand 1 Poison Powerup 1 Fire Powerup One of the first Demons to use Infection, the Acid Demon specializes in weakening other Demons so that something else can kill them off. The Acid Demon’s Slime attack isn’t very efficient with the Acid Demon, but it is very efficient with the Poison Powerup, making it a useful move when you can’t do much. Burn is exactly the opposite, making the Acid Demon a versatile choice for its user. Ordinarily it is impossible for something to be made entirely of acid, but nobody wants to get close enough to an Acid Demon to study it. The crest on an Acid Demon’s head makes some people think that Acid Demons aren’t entirely made of acid, just coated in acid. The fact that Acid Demons have extendable arms ruins this theory in most people’s eyes.
Essential Acid Demon Essential Acid Demon Essential Acid Demons seem to be made of (or coated in) a different type of acid than Standard Acid Demons. With the change of acid comes a change in style, as Essential Acid Demons use lots of Powerups no matter how you use them. Essential Acid Demons can’t stretch their arms anymore, but they can stretch their tail, and they can somehow launch their own acid without ever running out. Seeing as each footstep of an Essential Acid Demon leaves a three-inch crater in solid rock, it’s no wonder that no one wants to study an Essential Acid Demon up close. Essential Acid Demon 4 reflex 3 hands 80 EP Physical Attacks Corrosive Shot: Deals 10 damage, and the target is Infected. Searing Grip: Deals 40 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 20 more damage. 1 reflex 1 hands 2 Poison Powerups 1 Poison Powerup 2 Fire Powerups
Appendage Manipulation Specials Appendage Manipulation 1 reflex 1 hand Corrosive Tendrils: Deals 10 damage, and flip a coin. If heads, deals 5 more damage, and the target is Infected. Special Attack: Acid Demon 1 Fire Powerup Biological Toxins Sickening Spray: The target is Stunned. Degrading Deluge: Only works on Stunned Essential Demons. Discard the Essential card, leaving the Standard Demon behind. Special Attack: Any Acid Demon 2 reflex 1 hand 1 Poison Powerup 2 hands 1 Fire Powerup Acid Demons usually use the Special Attacks that work for any Demon, but they do have some of their own. Appendage Manipulation lets Acid Demons use physical attacks even if you don’t have any Poison Powerups, but Corrosive Tendrils isn’t as strong as the Acid Demon’s ordinary physical attacks. The fact that Appendage Manipulation grows acid tentacles out of the Demon’s arm makes it even harder to believe that the acid is just a coating. While only Standard Acid Demons can use Appendage Manipulation, any Acid Demon can use Biological Toxins. While Sickening Spray isn’t usually an efficient way to stun something, it can be a big help if your Demons don’t have any other way. Degrading Deluge is the Acid Demon’s best weapon.