Training of Master Trainers for SME-ICT project Implementation Esther Mwiyeria (GESCI) 9th – 10th Feb 2012
Ground Rules Everyone participates. Everyone has been invited to contribute and has an opportunity to bring value to the discussions through ideas, thoughts, opinions Different opinions are welcome and valued. We do not all have to agree and can learn from divergent thinking. Disagreement is an opportunity to learn more about an issue and ultimately make a wiser group decision. Silence is agreement One conversation at a time - limit side conversations show respect for others by listening to their point of view and refraining from side conversations. Start on time; end on time. You will miss important dialogue and decisions and generally disrupt the discussion. We should not be "punishing" the prompt by making them wait for the late-comers. Challenge ideas, not people. Focus on interests, not positions; separate people from the problem. Seek to understand others point of view by asking questions and explaining the reasoning behind someone’s opinion. Participate in a positive and constructive manner Be concise and to the point with interventions to contribute to efficient time management Stick to the agenda to achieve objectives, outputs and outcomes No cell phones or email during the sessions unless they are being used as media. Follow through on agreements.
Feedback on the online validation 180 responses
Validation Clarity Relevance Scope
Clarity of Objectives
Clarity - Accuracy
Relevance: Engaging content
Relevance: Promotion of Learning
Scope: Coverage & understanding
Scope – Coverage:
Scope: Is there something missing The context domain is missing in the TPACK model Technical skills The competences could be listed to make them uniform The reference materials were not enough The resources should be separated from the modules so that it can be easier to print and use in case of power downtimes Tutors should be enabled with laptops Open office is unfriendly and ambiguous and requires enough time to learn More specific Math content Skills to download picture interactive videos and animation Some of the exercises are there already but for the rest, the facilitator will have to develop.....however, if there are some missing things it will be better realized during T/L process The basic skills for producing multimedia content is very important and should be included in the topic to enhance the production and proper use of Video and Audio
Open discussion Collaboration in the zones How have you achieved collaboration in your zone? What has worked well? What has not worked well? Proposed solutions to challenges encountered Capacity building efforts for tutors Priority topics in digital content resources Digital resources identification – progress so far Use of the WIKI space for collaboration
Lesson plans for effective ICT Integration in SME teaching Esther Mwiyeria SME-ICT Project Coordinator GESCI 9th – 10th Feb 2012
Meeting in Mpwapwa – 25th Nov 2011 Background Meeting in Mpwapwa – 25th Nov 2011
Feedback on lesson evaluation “..Although the graphics were attractive and support the content of the lesson with the teacher helping the students use technology was to a good level, the use of technology to demonstrate complex ideas and to observe things that would otherwise be difficult to visualize in life was at a minimum…”
Feedback on lesson evaluation The use of technology to interact and collaborate with students The ability of the teacher to adapt the use of technology to different learning activities Teachers use of technology-based tasks to engage students was lacking No opportunity for student collaboration during the learning process The teachers judgement on when to use or not to use technology is largely lacking However the use of references was limited Technology was predominantly used to display images and not to engage and involve students Skills in teachers reflection should be revisited and enhanced
Feedback on lesson evaluation General Remarks The teachers pedagogical approach was predominantly leading (through lecturing and directing class activities) Teacher used technology to present information Conclusion The required skills are those related to: enhancing the lesson through technology use using technology to enhance students involvement and use technology to investigate and construct the meaning of complex ideas
Review of the prepared technology integrated lesson plans and resources
Objectives of the session Develop lesson plans that integrate technology resources Develop one technology resource for use in lesson implementation Critically evaluate lesson plans and technology resources of peers
Group task Form pairs according to subjects Chemistry Physics Biology Mathematics English
Resources Lesson plans developed at the zonal level in the different subjects Module 2 Internet ?
Task description Each subject team should take one lesson plan from the zones Go through the planned objectives, activities, resources and timeframes Is there any indication on where the ICT resource will be used in the lesson plan? Has TPCK been integrated in the lesson plan What does the team like about the lesson plan and choice of resources Suggest improvements
Plenary Teams present their evaluation of the lesson plans and resources Teams discuss suggestions for improvement of lesson plans
Summary Feedback from the facilitators
Monitoring and Evaluation tools
Overview (tools) Workshop processes Application of ICT in SME Teaching General workshop evaluation tools Teachers self assessment tool E-diary E-portifolio Application of ICT in SME Teaching Classroom observation protocol – to be administered by the visiting tutor Teacher self-reflection framework Reflection on the lesson before teaching Reflections on the Lesson after teaching Did the lesson differ from your expectations? What do you think are the reasons for the way things happene What would you do differently next time to make the lesson more effective
Overview (tools) Impact on students learning environment School visits Students questionnaire Students ICT questionnaire School visits Project team Tutors Inspectors
Teacher self-assessment tool (during workshop processes) This is a questionnaire for measuring teacher competency in applying technology, pedagogy and content knowledge (TPACK) in teaching and learning of Science, mathematics and English (SME) subjects. Who can use the tool: Tutors/teachers When to use the tool: at the beginning of a lesson/workshop
E-diary Tool 2 The e-diary is a teacher reflection tool that is integrated into workshop activities. The tool is designed to encourage teachers to a) reflect on past teaching experiences; b) reflect on the way they teach now; c) reflect on the way they experience the activities in the workshop module; d) reflect on change as they experiment with technology use in their classroom practice.
What is in the e-diary? Before the activity What do I understand about the new Pedagogy in Science, Mathematics and English teaching: After the activity What I have learnt from my group tasks about the new pedagogies and constructivist approach for teaching Science, Mathematics and English What I feel about my progress so far
E-portifolio Tool 3 The e-portfolio is a collection of documents and artefacts that can be used for assessing/ monitoring the work produced by participants as they complete modules in each workshop programme. What for? Teachers can use the e-portfolio to store and review all of the documents and artifacts (PowerPoint presentations, lesson plans, concept maps etc) that they produce during the workshops. They can share their portfolio documents/ artifacts with other teachers in their schools when they return to their schools from the workshops. They can use their portfolio documents/ artifacts as a reference to retrieve and apply workshop ideas, concepts and artifacts (lesson plans/ group work activities etc) in classroom practice.
When will these be of use? The workshop facilitators should gather samples (photocopies) of teacher portfolios to demonstrate the quality of products that teachers have developed in workshop activities in March and subsequent trainings The school visit teams (college tutors, inspectors and national teams) can also gather samples of teacher portfolios as part of the school visit programme. National project management team will analyze the portfolio workshop/ school visit artifacts and include these assessments in monitoring and evaluation reports
Monitoring project outcomes Student Survey Questionnaire To measure the initial impact of project activities on student performance in relation to Cognitive (performance & Achievement), Affective (Attitudes & Disposition) and Psychomotor (Skills & Behaviors) domains. The focus is to continually improve all aspects of the project design and facilitation based on field observation and student feedback ICT Student Questionnaire What Students think about Laptops in the Classroom
Overview of Monitoring and Evaluation Tools Level 5: Student learning Outcomes in Project Pilot Schools Tools: Student Questionnaires; School records examination results To be used by students Level 4: Teacher Use of New Knowledge & Skills in Project Pilot Schools Tools: TPCK Observation Checklist; Teacher Reflection on Lesson Implementation; Teacher and Student artifacts To be used by tutors and teachers Level 3: Organization Support & Change in Pilot Schools Tools: School Inspector Checklist ; School Visit Protocol for Zonal Teams; To be use by: College tutors. District Inspectors, National Team) Level 2: Teacher Learning – Workshop capacity building & reflection workshops Tools: Teacher Self-Assessment ; Teacher workshop E-portfolios ; Teacher Workshop E-Diaries To be used by: Workshop participants Level 1: Teacher Reaction - Workshop Capacity Building Tools: Teacher Workshop Evaluation – Offline (hard copy)/ online (survey monkey) To be used by: workshop facilitators