Gwerthfawrogi Dysgu trwy Brofiad: Grymuso Taith y Dysgwr Valuing Experiential Learning: Empowering the Learner Journey Introduction: Liz Introduction to us – and roles and responsibilities. Background – Project? Mainstream? Ideology? Philosophy? Intention of the discussion – including the fact that there is not enough time to discuss all the range – public, private and voluntary sector; full time, part time, temporary and Welsh and English.
Uwch Ddarlithydd / Senior Lecturer Lowri M Harris Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar Waith Wales Institute for Work-based Learning Dr Elsie C Reynolds Uwch Ddarlithydd / Senior Lecturer Lowri M Harris Darlithydd / Lecturer Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Wilson Athro Cysylltiol a Phennaeth / Associate Professor and Head LIZ – possibly group to introduce selves
Dysgwyr Learners Cefndir Background Addysg Education Sector Sector Oedran Gwaith Cytundeb Profiadau amrywiol Background Education Sector Age Work Contract Diverse Experiences LOWRI Background – return to work/education, career breaks, change direction, found direction. Education – ranging from nothing to GCSE / O Level, A Level, HNC, HND, first degree and higher degree (BA and MA) OR work related. Professional qualifications (e.g. Solicitors) Sector – Public, Private, voluntary. Large / small businesses. Local, National, International. Age – usually 25 +. Need at least five years work experience. Work – Must be employed. Contract - Full time, part time, contract, voluntary Experiences - personal, educational and work – no need to specify.
PwyntiauTrafod Discussion Points Adnabod, gwerthfawrogi ac achredu dysgu drwy brofiad Safbwynt y dysgwr a’r cyflogwr Llais y dysgwr yn ganolog i’r adolygiad ac adnabod y dysgu Gwerthfawrogwyd, yn bersonol ac yn broffesiynol, y cyfle i achredu dysgu a gyflawnwyd tra’n gweithio Recognising, valuing and accrediting experiential learning The perspective of both learner and employer. The learner voice is central in the review and identification of learning. Given the opportunity to gain accreditation for learning achieved whilst working has been valued personally and professionally The different learners: Rhian Nelson – Occupational Therapist , Private Sector (Graduate) Paula Lewis – Employer (Graduate) Lee Hind – Voluntary Sector (No HE qualifications) Caroline White – Voluntary Sector (No HE qualifications) Louise Wilkinson – Voluntary Sector (BA and MA) Meleri Cray – Retired professional. Voluntary Sector. No HE qualifications. Welsh medium.
Ac i orffen ... And finally ... Achredu dysgu a datblygiad ar lefel prifysgol Gwahanol sectorau a meysydd Tystiolaethu profiad Effaith – bersonol a phroffesiynol O fewn cyd-destun Cyfrwng y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg Accrediting learning and development at university level Different sectors and subjects Evidencing practice Impact – personal and professional In context Welsh and English medium Impact: Learner centred widening access provision with specific relevance to those in work who, although they have progressed through their careers, many have not acquired formal qualifications at higher levels. Implication: The integration of vocational relevance underpins the curriculum for these student portfolio submissions. This is enabling students to strategically use their work-based learning to develop the academic rigour expected of study in HE. Innovation/originality: The creation of a bilingual online resource which supports learners in making a claim for work-based experiential learning.