Journal: Select an animal and explain two characteristics that help it to survive in it’s habitat.
I. Fossil Record A. All fossil evidence, taken together, shows how organisms have changed
II. Anatomy A. Homologous structures 1. Structures found in different organisms that have same origin and similar anatomy
Anatomy B. Vestigial structures 1. Organs that are no longer used and reduced in size 2. Examples: Appendix, tail bone (coccyx), muscles of the ears
III. Embryology A. Vertebrate embryos show similar pattern of development
IV. Biogeographic Evidence A. Organisms found in different parts of the world now, share similar characteristics because they used to be found in the same climate when land forms were connected differently
Approx. 98.8% of DNA is same in humans and chimps V. DNA Evidence A. All living things share the same basic DNA B. The more DNA in common, the more closely related 2 things are Approx. 98.8% of DNA is same in humans and chimps