VOLUNTEERS: Proper Care & Feeding (and Finding!) - BREAKOUT SESSION - VOLUNTEERS: Proper Care & Feeding (and Finding!) Benson Hines
4 Big Mobilization Ideas 2 New Job Descriptions A New Category A New Finish Line BREAKOUT SESSION | VOLUNTEERS
NEW JOB DESCRIPTIONS “Jobs Help Wanted” by neetalparekh licensed CC BY 2.0
Their Job: Ministry Your Job: Equipping Breeds entrepreneurship Breeds ownership Definitely messier Patience required Actual systems required BREAKOUT SESSION | VOLUNTEERS
Jim Sorbie via Compfight cc cropped A NEW CATEGORY
If Recruiting is Discipleship Can you stand behind the spot? Will you cast vision (& value)? Will you “lift a finger” to help? BREAKOUT SESSION | VOLUNTEERS
If Recruiting is Discipleship We remember the value of No We evaluate like it’s discipleship We add discipling elements We watch our Why BREAKOUT SESSION | VOLUNTEERS
ztephen via Compfight cc cropped A NEW FINISH LINE
Engagement Continues Keep discipling Keep building Keep caring BREAKOUT SESSION | VOLUNTEERS
Garen M. via Compfight cc cropped TENSIONS
…and contact me: bhines@watermark.org / @bensonhines Q&A …and contact me: bhines@watermark.org / @bensonhines