Chapter 7 Conflict Resolution Bennett
Causes of Conflict Property or territory: going into sibling’s room, touch other people’s stuff, etc. Hurt Feelings: gossip, left out, teasing, etc. Revenge: nothing goes unpunished Differing values: cultural, religious, politics, etc. Prejudice: not accepting people’s differences
Bullying Behaviors Teasing Name Calling/Labeling Leaving people out of a group or activity Sending untrue or hurting messages B Becoming physically violent/aggressive
Dealing with Bullies Tell them to STOP Try Humor Walk away and stay away Avoid physical violence Find an adult
Managing your Anger Step away from the situation Share your feelings Engage in physical activity JEALOUSY: we each experience it at sometime or another. Talk to someone or journal write.
Why do conflicts escalate? Disagreements Strong emotions Body language and behavior
How to control conflicts. Be aware of your words/action causing hurt Learn to control your emotions and walk away if you or the other person cannot continue the discussion with escalating Be aware of your body language and think of how you would perceive your own body language if they were do what you were doing
Control conflicts continued Understand your own feelings Show respect to others See other’s point of view Keep conflicts private Avoid alcohol and other drugs
T.A.L.K. strategy Take a timeout Allow each person to talk Let each person ask questions Keep brainstorming
Outcomes to Negotiations Compromise is when you each give up something to make everyone satisfied Win-Win solution occurs when each party can get what they want
Don’t of Negotiations Don’t touch other people Don’t point at the other person Don’t call names Don’t raise your voice
Do’s of Negotiation Do take a break if either party gets angry Do tell a trusted adult if you feel threatened Do remember, “Mother knows best, listen to your mother….” Mother Gothel
Good Peer Mediation Traits Good Communicator Good Listener Fair Neutral Effective Problem Solver