Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Science Week of: 11-5 to 11-9, 2018 Objectives: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the three types of matter. TEKS:2.2A ask questions, 2.5A classify properties of matter, ELPS: c5B use vocabulary, c5F grade appropriate sentences Essential Question(s): How are we affected by matter in its three forms? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Perform and discuss matter experiments: balloon, baking soda and vinegar (liquid and solid combining to make a gas) Perform and discuss matter experiments: make Jello (liquid becoming a solid) Sort solids, liquids and gases. Perform and discuss matter experiments: make Fizzy Purple Cows (grape soda and ice cream) Matter Assessment Vocabulary Solid Liquid Gas State Property Change Higher order questions Explain the change in the experiment. How does a liquid become a solid? Analyze how matter is sorted into solids, liquids and gases. Describe all three states of matter in the Fizzy Purple Cow. Explain properties of matter. Assessment Strategy Students will write a paragraph explaining the experiment. Students will record the steps in changing the liquid to a solid. Students will be able to sort solids, liquids and gases correctly. Students will create a Fizzy Purple Cow and describe the states of matter. Students will complete assessment on Matter.