Clinicians' Corner in Dyslipidemia
Multiple Challenges With Statin Selection
Statin-Associated Muscle Symptoms vs Statin Intolerance
GAUSS 3 Study Design
GAUSS 3 Study Implications
Nonstatin Therapy for Adjunct LDL-Lowering
PCSK9 Inhibitors Dosing and Administration
PCSK9 Inhibitors Indications
FOURIER Trial Design
Summary of Effects of PCSK9I Evolocumab
FOURIER Trial: Relationship Between Achieved LDL-c Levels at One Month to Measures of Benefit
Nonstatin Recommendations From Treatment Guidelines
Guideline Recommendations for Additional LDL-C Reduction With Nonstatin Therapy
When to Consider Nonstatin Therapy
Alirocumab ODYSSEY Outcomes Trial
Alirocumab ODYSSEY Outcomes Trial Results
Navigating the Prior Authorization Process Clinical Pearls
Statin-Associated Myopathy Risk Factors
Successful Statin Reintroduction
Management of Statin-Related AEs
Sample Uniform Prior Authorization and Appeals Letters
Improving PCSK9 Inhibitor Approval Rates
Real-World Experience With FH and PCSK9 Inhibitors
Navigating the Prior Authorization Process With the Patient
Clinical Management of the Patient With Dyslipidemia
Specialty Pharmacy PCSK9 Inhibitor Access
Clinical Tips for Therapeutic Management of PCSK9 Inhibitors
Abbreviations (cont)