A System for Scanner Data Muhanad Sammar, Anders Norberg & Can Tongur Statistics Sweden
A System for Scanner Data Several years of wanting and canvassing of retail chains paid off very well We now have access to vast amounts of data We receive text files every week Files contain weekly sales: sold quantity price (w/o VAT) EAN store name etc. Transmission is safe (over FTP)
The Scanner Data Files …and files look like this Market Postal Code YearWeek EAN Brand Quantity Price ABC 14550 201220 730202… Y-Brand 43 12.90 7314805… X-Brand 2 8.90 DEF 75424 7310265… 174 32.90
Building the System We wanted to incorporate scanner data: Either by extending the existing production environment, or creating a new environment Pity not to use the existing User Interface Perhaps not so simple to use the regular engine SAS® seemed extremely attractive & tempting to use…
The Existing System The ordinary user interface Pi09 (π09) Tables in SQL, interface and system in VB.Net
Adding SAS We made it simple and added a scroll-down menu The idea behind this (SAS↔VB.Net) already established in the house
The Production Flow
Production Initiation Initially, an EAN – Product code register must be established for extraction of data
The Monthly Data Extraction Register Product Code EAN Year Month Product Name Brand 112517 7331010065622 2012 3 BULGUR 1KG DRUVAN 112710 8076804215058 SPAGHETTI BARILLA 112737 7310960039211 LASAGNE 1 KG FAMILJEN DAFGÅRD 123243 7300208345006 BACON SCAN 1233124 5701251501524 GOL PÖLSER RÖDA HOT DOG PÖLSER 375 G GOL PÖLSER 124079 7313940574504 BUFFALO WINGS 500G GULDFÅGELN 922449 4015400347453 ALWAYS ULTRA NORMAL PLUS ALWAYS
The Editing Interface
Validation and Selection Given data – Validate Perform trivial but crucial checks, e.g.: Numerics are numeric Check shop names & that all are there Check that the period in data (YYYYWW) actually is the desired week Given Validity and a Register – Select data Revalidate and perform editing and subtraction of deposits etc. If necessary – use the new interface to make changes/delete prices
Aggregation and Uploading Aggregate data before uploading it Aggregation by geometric mean over 3 weeks Make a final register check (=mirror) of EAN – Product in the S.D. sample v.s. the (updated) designated sample Upload data to the ordinary system Perform a market analysis of EAN codes Necessary for maintenance and keeping S.D. register up to date Pragmatic approach – use MS. Excel
Market Analysis
Market Analysis Product Code EAN Product Name Brand # stores # packages 112517 733101006.. BULGUR 1KG X 17 876 112710 807680421.. SPAGHETTI Y 4 12 112737 731096003.. LASAGNE 1 KG Z 20 1347
Summing-up Note merely SAS but also SQL table views with ”the right stuff” required SAS part not so tricky – system integration harder Ideas have to mature It works!