With ellipsis: "Today…we vetoed the bill.“ Parentheses DLR- 11/9 - 11/12 DLR Notes- Monday, November, 9, 2015- Punctuation that Indicates a Pause An ellipsis (ellipses- plural) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots (…). Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant. They are useful in getting right to the point without delay or distraction: Full quotation: "Today, after hours of careful thought, we vetoed the bill.“ With ellipsis: "Today…we vetoed the bill.“ Parentheses Use parentheses to enclose information that clarifies or is used as an aside. Example: He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that he did not understand the question. If material in parentheses ends a sentence, the period goes after the parentheses.
Notes Continued- Tuesday, November 10, 2015 In informal writing an ellipsis can be used in the following ways: -To create a pause for effect. -To show an unfinished thought. -To show a trail off into silence. A hyphen (-) is a short mark that is often used to link two or more words together. It can sometimes be seen at the end of a line to break up a whole word that won’t fit into the space. A dash (―) indicates added emphasis, an interruption, or an abrupt change of thought. Dashes
Practice Sentences- Wednesday, November 11, 2015 Copy the sentences, identify the type of punctuation, and explain why it was used. 1. The brochure states: "The atmosphere is tranquil ... and you cannot hear the trains.“ 2. A credit card stolen in London was used to pay for a Chinese meal five hours later ... in Bangkok. 3. "Yeah? Well, you can just….“ 4. Paul sang his song terribly – and he thought he was brilliant! 5. I got a job working part-time.
Answers- Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1. The brochure states: "The atmosphere is tranquil ... and you cannot hear the trains." (omitted text) 2. A credit card stolen in London was used to pay for a Chinese meal five hours later ... in Bangkok. (pause for effect) 3. "Yeah? Well, you can just…."(unfinished thought) 4. Paul sang his song terribly – and he thought he was brilliant! (dash) 5. I got a job working part-time. (hyphen)
Practice Sentences- Thursday, November 12, 2015 Add the labeled punctuation in the correct place in each sentence. My favorite candy is chocolate covered peanuts. (Hyphen) 2. My brother Ollie who is not very nice hit me in the face. (Parentheses) 3. Everyone at the school including the teachers evacuated the building. (Dash/es) 4. You cannot turn left down a one way street.(Hyphen) 5. Of course I’ll sign the agreement as long as it’s in my favor. (Dash)
Answers- Thursday, November 12, 2015 My favorite candy is chocolate-covered peanuts. (Hyphen) 2. My brother Ollie (who is not very nice) hit me in the face. (Parentheses) 3. Everyone at the school − including the teachers ─ evacuated the building. (Dash/es) 4. You cannot turn left down a one-way street.(Hyphen) 5. Of course I’ll sign the agreement ─ as long as it’s in my favor. (Dash)