MCMURPHY OR CHIEF ? Image credit/
Hero? Image credit
“I don't like to see a grown man sloshing around in his own water “I don't like to see a grown man sloshing around in his own water. Now, whyn't you get cleaned up?” -McMurphy image credit
“Big enough t'eat apples off my head and he's scared like a baby.” “The soopa-Chief” “Ol deaf an' dumb” “Big enough t'eat apples off my head and he's scared like a baby.” -Warren and Williams Image credit
“The world belongs to the strong, my friend” “I'm not a chicken, I'm a rabbit. All of us here, rabbits” -Billy Image credit
“Old friend, you have taught me that mental illness can have an aspect of power. Perhaps the more insane a man is the more powerful he can become” -Harding
“How can I be big if you ain't? How can anybody?” -Chief image credit
UNANIMOUS! image credit
“You're going to make it out there.” -Harding “Yeah.. I been gone away a long time.” -Chief Image credit