Common Do’s & Don’ts for Academic Writing Style Instructor: Mr. Faires Writing Common Do’s & Don’ts for Academic Writing Style
Do NOT address the reader directly, saying “You.” Writing Tips Do NOT address the reader directly, saying “You.” Never begin a sentence with ‘But,’ ‘And,’ ‘So,’ or ‘Because.’ You rarely ever need to use ‘ever.’ It ever happens to me. X I ever like to play sports. X If you ever want to join me, let me know. OK Have you ever been to the Great Wall? OK ‘Ever,’ means: at some time / at any time
Do’s & Don’ts Avoid contractions: it’s, they’ve, I’ll, etc. Avoid colloquial expressions: A lot of people are afraid of public speaking, but anybody can be successful if they learn some basic techniques. Many people are afraid of public speaking, but anyone can be successful if they learn some basic techniques. Let’s take a look at the most important points. Consider the most important points.
Do’s & Don’ts Do Not use – Semantic repetition: Since there is a sign language, we are able to understand what the dear and mute people want to say. If the sign language does not exist, the deaf and mute people can not interact with normal people. Omnibus words: words with many meanings – do, get, have, stuff, thing, good, bad
Do’s & Don’ts AVOID: Multi-word verbs: Talks about, figure out, Second person pronoun: YOU Personal-opinion expressions: I think/guess/feel/suppose/believe, in my opinion