Section 1: Identity Powerpoint Assignment for Micbio 565, 2014 Eric Martz Major: Retirement? Grandfather? 1d66 Yeast Gal4. Transcriptional regulator. X-ray crystallography, resolution 2.7 Angstroms.
Section 2: Composition Protein chains: 2 DNA chains: 2 RNA chains: 0 Ligands CD = Cadmium Ion Non-Standard Residues (None)
Section 3: Evolutionary Conservation The amino acids that contact the major groove of the DNA are highly conserved. If you do your own job at the ConSurf Server, be sure to paste its web address (URL) into this slide.
Section 4: Hydrophobic/Polar This protein has a mostly polar surface, consistent with it being water soluble. There are no large hydrophobic patches on its surface.
Section 4A: Hydrophobic Core Each domain has a hydrophobic core.
Section 5: Charge The DNA-binding notch in the protein has only positive charge, consistent with the need to bind the negatively-charged phosphate backbone of the DNA. Cationic + Anionic -
Section 5A: Cation-Pi Interaction
Section 6: Biological Unit The published PDB file has 4 chains. MakeMultimer: still 4 chains. Asymmetric Biological Unit Unit (MakeMultimer) 1D66 1D66_MM1
Section 7: Animation from Polyview-3D Lysine 18 in Gal4 sits in the major groove of DNA, recognizing the DNA sequence CGG. This animation rocks through 90 degrees in 2 degree steps, with a 5/100 second delay. It moves only when it is “projected” (full screen).
Optional Section 8: Noncovalent Bonds Lysine 18 hydrogen bonded to DG (deoxyguanosine) 4.