DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN Technology Domain Annual Progress Report Lakewood School District # 306
Evaluation of Progress Progress on Activities and Tasks 4 Excellent Accomplishment 3 Adequate Accomplishment 2 Marginal Accomplishment 1 No Action to Date Actions taken were significant and should be sustained Action has been taken, but needs greater depth or more resources in order for it to be sustained and on- going Action is just beginning to be implemented or not a focus at this time Action not taken this year
Summary of Progress in Year 3
Objective 1 – Strategy 1 The District Technology Committee will create a draft funding plan and implementation schedule, which supports the districts long- range technology plan goals. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Develop a draft funding plan and implementation schedule during monthly meetings ( ) Initial funding plan completed. Evaluate funding plan and implementation schedule regularly ( ) Monitored 2008 Technology Levy throughout year Reviewed expenditures to date and progress implementing plan Budget for submitted to Business Office = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Objective 1 – Strategy 2 The Districts Technology Plan will be implemented, evaluated and revised annually as appropriate. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Survey staff annually to determine technology professional development needs Professional development needs survey completed Results used to determine sessions for Summer Technology Camp for staff Atomic Learning--new option for staff, students and families Review district technology plan at technology committee meetings quarterly Developed new Technology Plan for Survey of 8th grade students completed Successful Technology Expo held in March = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Objective 1 – Strategy 3 Develop an addendum to the District Technology Plan to include a replacement/replenishment schedule with timeline and funding sources. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Develop a technology replacement/replenishme nt plan Initial plan for replacement and replenishment of technology equipment developed Successful capital projects levy passage in April with funds earmarked for technology System developed for annual physical inventory Cabinet reviews draft plan for replenishment and replacement Activity/task scheduled to begin in Submit plan for replenishment and replacement for school board approval Activity/task scheduled to begin in = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Reflecting on Year 3 Installed 15 Classroom Instructional Packages (Final 5 scheduled for summer) Replaced 55 teacher and administrator workstations Replaced 93 computers in elementary school labs and 18 in the CTE Agriculture Lab Prepared for Summer Technology Camp for Staff – August 22 and 23 Developed Technology Plan Upgraded district website Preparations underway for major upgrade to network Internet safety education curriculum at all levels Online MSP testing expanded to include grades 3-8
Next Steps Develop a scope and sequence/curriculum for grades K-5 Plan and pilot the best way to implement mobile devices Expand Tech Competency Program to include Level 4 (Technology Integration) Install last Classroom Instructional Packages Complete rebuild of network server room Install wireless network all buildings Add new computer lab at Lakewood Middle School